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Everything posted by SirFluffy23

  1. SirFluffy23

    New world created but can not drive a vehicle

    If they wont move while playing click on your terrain then in object properties go down to layers and there will be a box that says terrain, ensure "terrain" is ticked
  2. SirFluffy23

    New world created but can not drive a vehicle

    I too would like to know what this issue is and how to solve it I figured it out. If they wont move while playing then go to your GenericTerrainEntity's properties, go to Layers, make sure "terrain" is ticked
  3. I bought this game because I love concept it’s great. But I noticed I was unable to use any of my weapons from the stash. However I could deconstruct them and see how many I had in the deconstruction menu. I was also unable to put all my ammunition in the stash I don’t know if it’s a bug or just part of the game
  4. SirFluffy23

    Weapons not moving to inventory

    That’s my bad this is not a bug I was looking for the guns in the wrong spot I’m dumb