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Jakob Kraus

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About Jakob Kraus

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  1. Jakob Kraus

    Making my Helicopter flare

    i think that i found it again! If someone else is having trouble with this: The last post
  2. Jakob Kraus

    Making my Helicopter flare

    Thank you very much! Well, i have looked at this before but I thought that the fire and forceweaponfire were more promising. Ahm. But one question. Is there a way to find out the weapon number other then testing because then i would have to spend A LOT of time testing which number is which weapon. I know that it can be done because I saw a way to find out the number somewhere online but i forgot where it was and i spent the last 20 Minutes searching for it. _heli action ["useWeapon", _heli, driver _heli, 15]; For example the 15 at the end I hope that someone can help me. Again ^^
  3. Hello there. I was creating a mission when there suddenly was a problem. vehicle player fire "168Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"; player fire "168Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"; vehicle player fire "CMFlareLauncher"; player fire "CMFlareLauncher"; vehicle player forceWeaponFire ["CMFlareLauncher", "CMFlareLauncher"]; player forceWeaponFire ["CMFlareLauncher", "CMFlareLauncher"]; _weapon = "CMFlareLauncher"; _mode = (getArray (configFile >> "cfgweapons" >> _weapon >> "modes")) select 0; if (_mode == "this") then {_mode = _weapon;}; vehicle player forceWeaponFire [_weapon, _mode]; _weapon = "CMFlareLauncher"; _mode = (getArray (configFile >> "cfgweapons" >> _weapon >> "modes")) select 0; if (_mode == "this") then {_mode = _weapon;}; player forceWeaponFire [_weapon, _mode]; _weapon = "168Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"; _mode = (getArray (configFile >> "cfgweapons" >> _weapon >> "modes")) select 0; if (_mode == "this") then {_mode = _weapon;}; vehicle player forceWeaponFire [_weapon, _mode]; _weapon = "168Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"; _mode = (getArray (configFile >> "cfgweapons" >> _weapon >> "modes")) select 0; if (_mode == "this") then {_mode = _weapon;}; player forceWeaponFire [_weapon, _mode]; neither of these version's worked and it really is necessary for the mission. I searched trough almost the whole internet without finding anything helpful. :/ I hope that someone can help me ^^
  4. Jakob Kraus

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    The Best mission i have ever played
  5. Jakob Kraus

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Nice work you did there