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About Baenny1988

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  1. Revives work if you enable them in the editor now in the top flag "Attributes" and then "Multiplayer" and when you scroll down there is "Revive" and its properties then you click "Enable" and you can set the variables here. This makes it so you can respawn and still be revivable, and will not receive the template omission warning and subsequent error. So all you have to do to play Arma 3 with apex revive in any mission, is to find out where the mission is (usually in Addons in main arma 3 folder, headhunters is located in missions_f.pbo) then open the PBO file with PBOmanager http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16369 the file will contain among other things MPscenarios which has two COOP missions, then you simply right click the mission you want and click COPY, then you go to my documents, Arma 3, and copy the file to either multiplayer or singleplayer, now when you go into Arma 3, you open the Editor and click the "open" flag in the top left, now you will find your map listed under missions or MPmissions, then click the top flag called "play" and select "Play in multiplayer" this will immediatly host a server which you can specify to be on LAN or INTERNET. If you get the template missing error you have to remove these lines from your descriptions.ext for every mission you experience the error in, this means go to my documents, Arma 3, missions or MPmissions wherever the map is located, then open the mission folder and there is a descriptions.ext for every mission, simply open this with notepad by right clicking it and selecting "open with" "notepad". Remove: respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 15; respawnTemplates[] = {"Revive", "MenuPosition"}; respawnOnStart = -1; You may have to remove more, this was what i added to my version and after removing it and using the editors revive feature i never got the template missing error again. I think the reason revives no longer work is because bethesda enabled Apex revives in the editor as a feature, when before you had to add it manually by altering the missions description.ext this means you get two of the same revive script and there is a conflict.