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About RaptorX90

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  1. Hey, I try to make some mission with unsung mod, So i want some heli/huey landing at US base on wooden landing pad, And the problem,.. 1. The helli cant landing on precision object (helipad invicible) i mean the heli always randomly landing and not land at center of object. Sometimes heli land at center but when i restart the game its not working. 2. The heli direction always change before land,.. I want straight landing, like huey landing on vietnam war movie,.. But when a heli on 5 or 10 feet before landing the heli changed the direction.. Maybe i want to make La drang valley gameplay but i need the 2 point for make scene hot LZ to drop troops,.. Anybody can help me?
  2. I see on armanam web the mega a 3.0d and i patched with 3.1d,.. maybe my problem cause my game not up to date ,.. Okey i will try update the game first, i hope its work for my problem,.. thanks man..
  3. I download from Mega and no problem with unpacking But when after split screen and move in main menu Game crash and show this notif BadVersion 73 in p3d file 'uns_weap_w\items\smallobj_file_map.p3d' Any solution? Sory i running on 1.64 version,.. so what i must update to v 1.66 to play the unsung mod?
  4. So this some bug on UH ?.. Hmm physx.. i interested but i can't help cause i dont know about that.. Yeah i know its not full realease,.. but your work so very great and so awesome.. I hope on Echo unsung team have full man,.. so the mod can full realease .. Keep good work team :) ..
  5. Oh thanks man, maybe i can try your way.. So where i can change UH speed setting ?, or need some code?.. I really need the chopper for my mission.. About artillery, i try everything,.. support modul, fire mission, and script but they never fire, sometimes howitzers firing,.. but the big gun not moving to the top just move right and left,.. but i try the ordinance effect modul and the list have the howitzer, lol ..
  6. Hmm its alright for while my mission use a original A3 artillery.. Yeah finaly the fix for heli gunner thanks unsung teams,.. Hmm..its so weird,.. If I make a mission,.. i put the chooper (UH-1D) and sync with heli Cas module,and next i call the cas heli , they coming and flying so high,..maybe i think the heli get a best position for attack but they never attack if a heli fly on top the enemy they say CAS complete but enemy never get fire from heli .. Thats so diferent if i use a cobra and original heli from A3 they normal fly and do fire on CAS location,.. And if i make transport UH from base to location wthout module, i make a 5 waypoint , yeah back to flying altitude problem the heli fly high so high and the heli always round the waypoint before go to any waypoint,.. so the heli not fly straight but always around before go on the waypoint,.. haha.. maybe you can help my heli problem..
  7. Wow finaly DELTA !!! Goooooooddd workingg unsung team Btw, mr eggbeast the support module can work on this version? and i have problem with UH heli the door gunner not sit on the right position and the chopper fly sooooo high on charlie . so this version can fix my UH problem ?