hello alganthe First of thank you for the mission and your work I am coming to my question, we have from you Co-ops_AW_edit my problem is now that I have no away marker the mission is there but no one knows what it is the task is missing What I've just written the AI ​​on RHS My server is running on veteran Thank you for any reply
class CfgTaskEnhancements {
enable = 1; //0: disable new task features (default), 1: enable new task features & add new task markers and task widgets into the map
3d = 0; //0: do not use new 3D markers (default), 1: replace task waypoints with new 3D markers
3dDrawDist = 2000; //3d marker draw distance (default: 2000)
share = 0; //0: do not count assigned players (default), 1: count how many players have the task assigned
propagate = 0; //0: do not propagate (default), 1: propagate shared tasks to subordinates