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Posts posted by NoBrainDK


    AIS Wounding and Medic scripts (by great arma community members) almost working 100%. Still have issues using build menu and getting it to work.





    This is what I need in the build menu for players/commander and so far no go.


    [_unit] execVM "ais_injury\init_ais.sqf";
    _isMedic = if (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _unit) >> "attendant") == 1) then {true} else {false};
    if (_isMedic) then { [_unit,"ALL"] execVM "scripts\corpsman.sqf";};



    Hi :)


    Did you get it to work? And could you make a download of the mission file, so maybe I could test/use it, bacause I dont know how to make it my self :( 


    Thanks in advance

