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About pato.marin

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  1. pato.marin

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Hi @Maff Thanks. You are correct,I do not use helicopters. These strange waypoints generally are set to infantry/civilians, rarely affect ground vehicles, but it has happened. I got this same behaviour in other terrains, including Altis and Stratis. Will create a vanilla mission and share it with you guys. Thanks everyone.
  2. pato.marin

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    @Maff I switched to the files you povided, on the very same mission I was working on with the issue, and the same thing keeps happening.
  3. pato.marin

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Thank you @Maff will test and let you know.
  4. pato.marin

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    I would really appreciate some guidance for sure. Thanks again for looking into this with me.
  5. pato.marin

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Hi Maff, thanks for the response. I do not use helicopters with EOS, I only use it with infantry, motorized and armored units. Regarding the radius and group count, varies from mission to mission. Generally I use multiple small area markers no bigger than 300 meter radius each. For groups, an average of 3 patrol groups size 2, and 2 House groups size 1. I was also looking into shk_pos, and thought it might be related to the surfaceIsWater part of it, but that script is beyond me. Thanks again.
  6. pato.marin

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Dear all, I am in dire need of some help. I love this script, been using it for a couple of years now and is all around the best way to spawn units. Said that, I am experiencing an issue with it, on which several of the spawned groups receive a "MOVE" waypoint to one of the corners of the map, and eventually leave the area of operations towards that point. This happens randomly, with different factions, in different maps, with RHS units, with Vanilla units, Project OPFOR units, and I cannot seem to find anything on google about it, and my scripting knowledge is limited so I could not figure it out myself by examinig the different files that build EOS. Has this happened to any of you? Any ideas where should I start looking towards avoiding this problem? Any guidance will be very much appreciated.