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Posts posted by AsgardsChosen

  1. Come to think of it, if anyone has experience working with Liberation, I have some quick questions. Namely, I'm trying to add 2 more preset squads to the list. I've created the list in classnames.sqf but in the build menu they show up without a name, and I can't find where the names are defined.

  2. On 3/24/2017 at 7:06 PM, dragonspride1995 said:

    Is this mod still in development? I love it but it does not feel complete in its current form. It could also use some set up for ACE advanced, and more features and side missions.


    Not still in development by Zbug to the best of my knowledge. However there's a team that has updated it a fair amount. I'm also just on the verge of releasing a version of Liberation on Takistan that supports both RHS and ACE 3. Will be released on Steam in a couple of days, under title of Liberation - Takistan, Ein Edition. Was built on the backbone of Liberation and Vynka's Takistan port. Included a lot more sites (thought it was too easy otherwise). Haven't figured out how to blacklist certain items in the new system (I can't find arsenal.sqf anywhere), but it should be easily customizable to individual tastes.
