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Pr3at 0rian

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Everything posted by Pr3at 0rian

  1. So.... I love MCC and it's ability to make a quick mission for me and my friends. My problem is, I have an earplug.sqf file that I put into a base mission I named "MCC_Base" so I can just load up a prefab base with the spawn points and arsenal and some vehicles, then we head out on the mission. When MCC is NOT enabled through the mods, the earplug script works fine. When it is enabled, no dice. here's the script: init.sqf ep = [] execVM "earplugs.sqf"; earplugs.sqf waitUntil {sleep 1; soundVolume == 1}; epi = player addaction ["Earplugs In",{ 1 fadesound 0.3; player removeaction epi; hintSilent "Earplugs In";} ]; waitUntil {sleep 1; soundVolume == 0.3}; epo = player addAction ["Earplugs Out",{ 1 fadesound 1; player removeaction epo; hintSilent "Earplugs Out"; } ]; waitUntil {sleep 1; soundVolume == 1}; removeAllActions player; ep = [] execVM "earplugs.sqf"; This is literally the ONLY problem I'm having with MCC. Please help!
  2. Pr3at 0rian

    Need Help; Move tasks and Intel

    Since I'm not allowed to post a new topic I HOPE that someone sees this and helps out. I have a mission which I've added tasks. As long as I DON'T sync the task up with the setTaskState module, the task destination shows up for my player's on the map without issue. as SOON as I sync the setTask module to the setTaskState module (nothing is changing) it doesn't show up on the map anymore. I have the taskstate module sync'd to the trigger for when OPFOR are not present (all hostiles eliminated). This works flawlessly on a different mission I created but for some reason it will NOT work on this one. Has anyone else had this problem before? I'm at my wits end about this. The task still shows up in the overview, but it's greyed out for some reason. the ONLY change again is sync'ing it to the setTaskState module which is needed in order to indicate the task is complete when all of the OPFOR are eliminated. No I'm not remotely proficient at scripting so if you past a wall of script, please make idiot proof instructions with it.