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Everything posted by Vapology

  1. Vapology

    MRT Accessory Functions

    Awesome stuff my dude I got it working perfectly. One question though, is it possible to change the default keybindings to lets say leftctrl+v for one of them so that the players that join don't have to change their keybindings and it is set to that for the players default keybind?
  2. Fixed issue not being able to see menu in top left hand corner. description.ext in your mission folder, change: false, // Commanding menu to true, // Commanding menu Must have gotten changed on update :P
  3. Okay so I did some more looking around and I found that you actually can change the crates that are used. So I changed them to the default exile crates, loot is in them and whatnot, however when trying to "Attach to cargo ropes" the ropes still just fall to the ground directly where I am standing. **EDIT** I am also noticing now that when I choose "Deploy cargo ropes" that the Scroll Wheel menu that used to pop up in the top left no longer shows, however you can still press the space key and get the ropes to come out if you have knowledge of where the options originally where located. This only occurs for helicopters that have ability to tow with more than one sling. Might have to do with the arma update imo :(
  4. Vapology

    SPIE Addon

    You da man duda!!! Will mosdef be adding this alongside all of your other amazing scripts :) :) :)
  5. I get the option to attach to the crate, but when I click on attach to said crate, the ropes that I am carrying just fall directly to the ground where I am standing.
  6. Very lovely work duda :D The default hook in Arma is alright , as well as the other sling loading scripts out there, then theirs your script lmfao. Right on dude keep up the amazing work. One thing I must add though is I am running "a3_vemf_reloaded" on my server, and in this mission system, the loot crates that are used are not the usual crates that are used in default Arma or in any other mission system that I have seen yet. I have looked through the config for this mission system to see if I could manually change the type of crate it would use, however I cannot. :( Any chance compatibility for this mission system could be added in the next few versions or so?