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Everything posted by ToClose

  1. I almost just posted a paragraph on a similar issue here.. Just thought I would post what I did, or borrowed and chopped it into what i needed. I just wanted to get points for killing ai spawned outside the mission. I haven't tested it with others in the game, but it is working in my mp test.. I am probably calling it wrong too. I just imagine it needs to be MP because of the mission. But I get so lost when the scope should be private or global or server, I just change it until no errors or I quit. But for some reason I always get errors using loops or sleeps if I don't do something funny like this. :/ not in init, but called from a script the init calls. null = ["killedpoints.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; killedpoints.sqf run2=true; while {run2} do { enemykilled1 = addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled",{_this select 2 addscore 1}]; sleep 1; };