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About RyanFoxyz

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  1. RyanFoxyz

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    So I noticed if im killed, when I respawn fatigue is enabled. Even though I turned it off. Also noticed the AI stop moving randomly, the friendly AI that is, i'm on a dedi serve as well. Update Yeah Reapers doesnt seem to be working right or something is messing with it, the AI freeze in place alot. (I noticed they did this before Reapers as well)
  2. RyanFoxyz

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    Will test today! So the far one only works with ai enabled? I mean even if I leave ai roles on they don't spawn for me. Only by the ai recruit menu. Is there a way you can add more ai to the recruiter? Like custom ones. Just a random thought haha.
  3. RyanFoxyz

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    Awesome! should do this one day!, I'm still testing, I really like it so far, haven't had anyone join though lol
  4. RyanFoxyz

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    Testing!! And also are you able to reproduce this on other maps, like Takistan? Chernarus?
  5. Hey everyone, I've got a server up and going for anyone wanting to do some mil sim co-op. Mods as of now are CUP (All Packs) http://cup-arma3.org/ RHS (All Packs) http://www.rhsmods.org/ CBA_A3 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 Optionally supported is JSRS4APEX https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/187343-jsrs4-apex-12/ Open to suggestions! Info about our squad/unit https://units.arma3.com/unit/signatureservices https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SignatureServicesDivision Discord Server https://discord.gg/G7U5RgM Have fun and thanks for checking us out!
  6. RyanFoxyz

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    Most of the revive systems work. But none of them seem to let the AI auto revive you. The one in this mission and a few others lets the AI Auto revive teammates and yourself (If they have a medkit) if not they just stabilize you. Example http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27512 It's called R34P3R framework.. I wish I could find it elsewhere, but maybe you can try the mission and see what i mean? or see how it works. Other Examples https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=722652837 But you putting in multiple revive systems is a good idea!
  7. RyanFoxyz

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    Hmm I can't see to find it. It's in the dynamic recon missions he makes on steam workshop but Farooqs is fine. As long as it still works with the AI. Always hated when they are right there and won't revive you. But the one r3aper made works like that. So if Farooqs does that to I'm down!
  8. RyanFoxyz

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    Thanks! Also would it be possible to add reviving to the mission? REAPER had a framework were the ai could revive you and revive other team members instead of just dying instantly when shot.
  9. RyanFoxyz

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    I have this running on my server Runs great! RHS+CUP+JSRS4APEX Thanks keep updating!! Also how do you access Zeus on this?
  10. RyanFoxyz

    Strango's Random Co-Op Series

    Tested! Great missions, no bugs that I found. :)