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About Mr_Clean

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  1. Squad name:- Task Force 11 Timezone/location : EST, North America Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP Contact email: Kodabear4736@yahoo.com Website address:http://task-force11.enjin.com/home Short description: Task Force 11 was designed to have everything for everybody. TF11 incorporates three of the five branches of the US military (Army, Air Force, Marines) to cater to everyone's desires. We offer general infantry positions, as well as medical, mechanized, and aviation based roles. While Everyone may be doing their own specialized task, all the elements work together to complete a common goal, promoting teamwork and tactical thinking between the branches. Beyond gameplay, TF11 aims to promote a multi-leadership community. Rather than having one man in charge of our community, we have four. The branch heads assume the role of higher leadership, preventing one person from having entire control over the unit. Language: English