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Nordic Survivor

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About Nordic Survivor

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  1. Nordic Survivor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    i tried it and the pilot leave the helicopter and fall down about 150 m . helicopter dit not land pilot left him alone in the air :)
  2. Nordic Survivor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    thx for this information is very usefull. but how can i give a pilote (not in my squad) to land ? i have a helicopter in the air and neet to give him the comannt to land. how dose it worke ?
  3. Nordic Survivor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    hi all ! firso of all i love this mood. at the momant i play the Greuh_Lib0924_AJ.Tanoa and i love it. but i have a litle proble, withe the zeus mode. i sporne a helicopter withe pilot and can easily give him orders to lift oh and go to a given position but a dont know hau i give the order to land. can someone help me ? sorry for the bad english thx for you time