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Nate Bee

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About Nate Bee

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  1. Nate Bee

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Thanks Dex, will just tweak a few more things and will upload and post a link. One thing to note, I just went into Zeus when testing one of the ports and had a fly around. Although the server monitor on the map indicated vehicles were spawned in I saw nothing on my travels. It appears to be a bug with the monitor rather than any actual vehicles spawning on the map. At least that means performance is not being affected, it's just a little off putting.
  2. Nate Bee

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    I was just about to post that I clicked onto that idea, just a little late. Sorry, it is 5:00am. What it is not showing is any active sectors. It's like the vehicles are spawned in as static objects instead of part of the script, so sectors do not appear active but vehicles are present. Starting only with Base Chimera, no FOB. Here's an example of just a few lines of the RPT: 5:11:45 "Full sector scan at 236.539, active sectors: []" 5:11:49 "Source: Server - Time: 240.381 - FPS: 19.6319 - Total units: 20 - Hostile units: 0 - Local units: 20 - Vehicles: 540 - Unitcap: 180" 5:12:08 "Full sector scan at 259.788, active sectors: []" 5:12:31 "Full sector scan at 282.85, active sectors: []" 5:12:49 "Source: Server - Time: 300.444 - FPS: 19.6802 - Total units: 23 - Hostile units: 0 - Local units: 23 - Vehicles: 543 - Unitcap: 180" 5:12:54 "Full sector scan at 305.785, active sectors: []" 5:13:17 "Full sector scan at 328.521, active sectors: []" 5:13:41 "Full sector scan at 352.25, active sectors: []" 5:13:49 "Source: Server - Time: 360.551 - FPS: 19.6802 - Total units: 23 - Hostile units: 0 - Local units: 23 - Vehicles: 543 - Unitcap: 180" 5:14:04 "Full sector scan at 374.955, active sectors: []" 5:14:27 "Full sector scan at 398.193, active sectors: []" 5:14:49 "Source: Server - Time: 420.564 - FPS: 19.6802 - Total units: 22 - Hostile units: 0 - Local units: 22 - Vehicles: 542 - Unitcap: 180" 5:14:50 "Full sector scan at 421.732, active sectors: []" 5:15:13 "Full sector scan at 444.712, active sectors: []" 5:15:36 "Full sector scan at 467.658, active sectors: []" 5:15:49 "Source: Server - Time: 480.63 - FPS: 19.536 - Total units: 22 - Hostile units: 0 - Local units: 22 - Vehicles: 542 - Unitcap: 180" 5:15:59 "Full sector scan at 490.735, active sectors: []" 5:16:23 "Full sector scan at 514.092, active sectors: []" 5:16:46 "Full sector scan at 537.385, active sectors: []" 5:16:49 "Source: Server - Time: 540.745 - FPS: 19.6802 - Total units: 22 - Hostile units: 0 - Local units: 22 - Vehicles: 542 - Unitcap: 180"
  3. Nate Bee

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Checked the rpt file and indeed I am getting those messages. Not sure exactly what they mean or how to fix them though. I changed nothing in the spawn config. It's a vanilla port, followed the guide to the letter so far as I can tell and everything works except this one issue. To clarify, when I say vanilla port it is simply all files copied from Liberation original except my mission.sqm. As I understand it though the mission.sqm only holds the map markers/triggers/etc and they have all been copied over according to the guide. If all other content is the same as the original I am struggling to identify where the error is emanating from.
  4. Nate Bee

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Hi All Long time reader, first time poster. I've worked on a couple of Liberation ports for our small group and keep running into the same issue each time, hoping someone here can shed some light on the issue. When launching my version I check on the map to see server FPS and spawned units. There are only a handful of infantry units as should be the case, but it appears that every vehicle on the map is spawning and staying in. On my Takistan port there is almost 500 vehicles spawned from the very start. What am I doing wrong here? I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure this out.