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Marc Reis

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Everything posted by Marc Reis

  1. Marc Reis

    Virtual Reality ARMA - Oculus/HTC Vive

    Hi I got into VR a while ago and would really love to have ARMA go VR. Its a great chance for them to pick this up... BUT I believe this would need quite some engine tweaking to modern standards - that would be awesome, for all ARMA Players. I would really look forward to play it in VR - flat gamin hast lost its charm to me, going into VR is just a different experience. I'll Post this on the PiMax Thread, maybe some other are interested and we can get some activation to this thread and maybe the dev team.
  2. Another Performance Problem - and yes I have googled, and played through all the "flags" i can pass on to the game. Hey Folks, I am getting a bit wound up with ARMA 3 / APEX and i would appriciate your advice! In Short: I get around 10 - 25 FPS in game (Still in the ALTIS Scenario) - I guess that is not "usual" - or is it? In the "Configuration" Screen for the Video settings, I almost always can achive around 60 - 85 FPS My System: Windows 10 Pro, Core i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz, running at 4,4Ghz, 16 GB RAM and a Asus GTX 1080 Strix 8GB VRAM on a 3440 x 1440 pixels @ 30-100 Hz Fully Validated detailed Spec's are here at -> CPU Z. Is something messed up? I would invest in a "modern" CPU, but in average the 2600K is known to be "still good" so for onlya max of 13 - 27 FPS, I would dislike to invest more into my maschine. Kind Regards!