Well guys, i have noticed something weird regarding this issue, its only circumstantial evidence but very circumstantial and it's very interesting.
Me and my friends play on a server. One guy does not get crashes, but me and another guy gets them to the point that, well lets say..... It's getting a little bit apocalyptic.
They guy who did not get any crashes goes away for one week, and me and my friend who crashed all the time not get 1 Memory crash for the whole time he was gone and i played like 10 hours a day during this period of time.
Yesterday he returns and as soon as he joined the server i started crashing and i'm still trying to join him on the server as i'm writing this.
If i join another server i get in no problem, when he follows me the crash is 15 minutes away and once i crash i cant get into the server he is in.
This happens even if we play co-op single player on Apex.
I have tried playing co-op with my other friends no problem what so ever.
Do some clients differ in any sort of way? Is it compatibility issues? I have no idea at this point.
There is probably nothing to this but, what do you make of this guys?
Its happening far far to many times to overlook.