I would like to request these ideas.
1. small rc buggy/vehicle (operates like uav) has explosives which can be detonated at will.
2. bis core function to check a mission file exists BIS_MissionFileExists EX: ["somefolder\someotherfolder\doesthisfileexist.sqf", true, true] call BIS_MissionFileExists; if 2nd param true it will execvm the file pasted in. 3rd param return true/false if exists or not.
3. some ruddy ladders in game and in the editor. wooden/metal expandable/collapsable or of different sizes with get off points able to put in inventory etc..
4. base building either in core game some objects (walls, platforms, doors, gates) wooden/metal/concrete
5. somekind of map deformation while in game but also someway to return it to its original shape if its deformed.
6. different types of player/men meshes, we have faces n voices, some new player meshes would be well nice..
7. why not add interior lights to helo's.. red/green/orange for example. with a toggle/hotkey to turn on/off.
8. BIS sling loading of wrecked vehicles.
9. big one ... player cover animations/positions, behind walls, house sides.. actually anywhere where the player can fit, ie if crouching only small walls etc.. while in cover mode, cam is in free mode rotating round player position. should also be able to shoot round corners either free fire or down there optic. i would really like this one more than all the rest.
ok ha enough, i have a dream LOL.... i shall keep dreaming!
Thanks for reading..