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Everything posted by Sir_Wulfrick

  1. Sir_Wulfrick

    ArmA 3 Mission Voice Actors

    It looks like the instant invite for the Discord channel is no longer valid, but if you need any extra voice acting then I'd be happy to help. British accent & I have extensive experience of voice acting for other games (DCS in particular).
  2. Sir_Wulfrick

    Variables and IF statements

    Apologies for tagging this question on to this thread, but like others above I'm new and can't create a separate topic yet. I'm an absolute beginner at the Eden editor and scripting, so I'll apologise in advance if I've made any really obvious errors :) OK, so what I want to achieve is to activate a task when the player picks up an item of intel. I have the following script set as the "init" for the intel item: this setVariable ["RscAttributeDiaryRecord_texture","a3\structures_f_epc\Items\Documents\Data\document_secret_01_co.paa", true]; [this,"RscAttributeDiaryRecord",["Top Secret Docs","<br />These are the documents we've been looking for!.<execute expression=""player setVariable ['found_evidence' = true]; openMap false""><br />Review Documents<br /></execute>",""]] call bis_fnc_setServerVariable If I'm reading this correctly when the player picks up the item the variable "found_evidence" should be set to true? What I then want to do is to have a flag synced with the relevant "set task state - succeeded" using that same variable. At the moment I have a trigger synced to the "set task state - successful" and the trigger condition as "player getVariable["found_evidence", true]" For some reason this isn't working and as soon as the mission begins the task is set as succeeded. What am I doing wrong??? :huh: