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About Lloydski

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  1. Lloydski

    [REQUEST] ORBAT Tutorial

    It was all working in MP previously. I think it may be mod related as if I'm quick at the start of the mission once it's loaded I can click on them but after about 10 seconds it's no longer possible.
  2. Lloydski

    [REQUEST] ORBAT Tutorial

    Thanks for the info. I've run into a new problem. On my test mission the ORBAT worked perfectly, but now I've implemented it into my actual mission the units show up on the map but I can't click on them to bring up the full OOB. Any suggestions?
  3. Lloydski

    [REQUEST] ORBAT Tutorial

    Hi folks, I started dabbling in the ORBAT viewer today and I'm running into the same problem mentioned above. My .paa is 256x256 with no transparency (saved in ps as a .tga and then converted using texview2 to .paa) but I still get stuck with a grey solid block (which is at least the right shape). I have tried multiple variations of color[] = {x,x,x,x} to no avail. If anybody managed to fix this please let me know how. UPDATE: I've narrowed it down to the image file itself. I tested this by using a different image using exactly the same method and it worked perfectly. However, I cannot fathom why it is not working with one image and not the other. Help regarding this would be greatly appreciated. Description.ext