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  1. Thanks man you helped alot! got it working!! to make only host place structures added in do_build.sqf: if (buildtype isEqualTo 6 && !isServer) then {build_invalid = 1}; EDIT: no one can't build FOB now, will update when solved
  2. Trying to restrict structures building to host/commander only, want to make simple way like check player uid / isServer tried in "do_build.sqf" changing if (buildtype == 6 ) to if (buildtype == 6 && isServer == "True" ) it brakes building completely also to if (buildtype == 6 && GetPlayerUID == "myid" ) same result please advice
  3. i'd like to know if these thing possible, custom message or description like server rules? autokick for teamkilling? restrict building structures only while vehicles allowed? thanks
  4. maybe because helipad classed as "sign" and not an "object" so it behaves differently
  5. Thanks for confirming this, wasted hours on this. Yes I have building OCD :)) many times I restart mission just cause something not build as I want... In Liberation tanoa posted here I fount that "Military Tower" cant be recycled but when I blow it up and restart mission it will be gone.
  6. Is it possible to delete / recycle built helipad?