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Everything posted by johnstewjohnny

  1. johnstewjohnny

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    in case anything gets changed, where will I be able to see it? patch notes on steam?
  2. johnstewjohnny

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    I know I will love the gameplay. I just don't want to get myself into it if it is going to get dumbed down even more. Comments from that dev guy on this forum were extremely discouraging.
  3. johnstewjohnny

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    I have one last question to ask. Is there any chance that comments from experienced Arma3 players (which I am not) on this thread are going to change anything about Apex campaign? Particularly the thing about respawning for casuals. My experience with WoW says a big "NO". WoW had 12M subscribers in 2010, and has less than 5M now, but despite that Blizzard is making more money because of introduced micro-transactions, so clearly they are satisfied with screwing their core players, since the gain is there, and it is easier to produce content for casuals who like farmville style missions. (might sound off-topic, but I am just describing what I witnessed happening being on forums and having played WoW from 2005-2011). one last time, I was ready to buy Arma3 right away, then I saw Apex thing and it was a deal-breaker. Basically to me Arma3 wouldn't be "just a game". If I got involved with it, I'd play Arma3+every expansion and eagerly waiting for Arma4 etc. If it is going the same path WoW is, and possibly other games that alienate their original audience, I'd rather skip it - which seems a shame since it looks like a very complex game, and so far I only found one more called Squad (but it doesn't look as good as Arma3). so, does anything ever get changed because people on forums wrote about what they like/dislike?
  4. johnstewjohnny

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    There should be no compromise. The campaign should not have respawns and that's that. It's just as if Dark Souls games had "easy, medium, hard" difficulties. I linger on this forum because I am expecting some kind of response like "no, we think the majority of Arma3 players think respawning is perfectly fine", in which case I'd simply abandon the idea of getting into Arma3. And I have hopes, however foolish they might be, that something will change because Apex is only a week old now. actually scratch that, I have just visited Steam page to see when Apex was released, and I saw steam reviews - vast majority is thumbs down "not recommended", and many of those are mentioning the campaign... ------------------------------------------------------------ I realize Arma veterans might feel differently about it, but the way I see it, I'd rather invest my time elsewhere. It's not about money, but I play many different games and will prioritize how I spend my time. I don't want to get involved in something that will just disappoint me further down the road. I have to post one of the reviews on Steam that I absolutely agree with, and well written too: I have no idea how to write a bad review for DLC on a game that I thoroughly enjoy. I can only hope that the loyal Workshop community will make some missions that are far FAR more enjoyable and tactical than the senseless respawn-fest called the Apex campaign. It's aggravating that the primary method of introducing the expansion's new environment, vehicles, weapons and backstory is so painfully devoid of any "will to survive" military strategy. one last thing, just for the lolz. Some guy on Steam made a review and he had one nice thing to say about Apex expansion. "Tanoa is a nice map" :D
  5. johnstewjohnny

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    so just out of curiosity, do you think there are more people who dislike Apex campaign respawning or more people that are either okay with it or like it?
  6. johnstewjohnny

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    so how do you know this is an isolated incident (concerning respawns in apex SP). Are there to be more expansions in future? I read the dev's posts and according to him this is the direction Arma is taking because reasons. I used to play WoW up until WotLK and beginning of Cata, then it changed too much in the direction I extremely disliked (dumbed down content) so I had to quit. I actually feel as if I was forced out rather than quit myself, for I would have loved to continue playing (if anyone a pro english speaker, fix my grammar here please :D ) the game as it was from Vanilla to Wrath of the Lich King. Also, is Arma3 a more PvP or more co-op game? (I like co-op in Arma3, but for PvP I usually go with CSGO).
  7. johnstewjohnny

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    @djotacon who posted a Hitler video Godwin's law itself can be abused as a distraction, diversion or even as censorship, fallaciously miscasting an opponent's argument as hyperbole when the comparisons made by the argument are actually appropriate. - from Wikipedia :D
  8. johnstewjohnny

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    thank you everyone for your replies. I see people mentioning the campaign not being the main thing in Arma3. I am aware of the editor, of all the multiplayer mods and communities. The thing is, while I surely would try out some co-op gameplay after I finished the campaign, the campaign would still be my number one priority. So while its 7 missions supposedly don't last long, I would take it as a core part of Arma3. Now I know that this might sound strange to someone who likes to mod their games, to use user-created-content, and build stuff in the editor themselves. I see Single Player as the most important aspect of a non mmo or e-sports game. So while I would try out all the different stuff Arma3 modding community has to offer, and while I would enjoy some hardcore missions in co-op where you don't respawn (I think I'd like that quite a bit actually) - I still think the campaign is the most important thing, because that's the first thing I would play. I don't care if the story isn't that great in Arma3, but I want to experience a game that has a wide variety of approaches to completing a single-player mission. So to sum it up, I care greatly about singleplayer (no matter it is only 7 missions) but current "infinite amount of lives and no consequences for making mistakes" trivialize the singleplayer aspect to the point I have no interest in touching it. ------------------------------------------------------------- The thing is, I don't mind giving 60 euroes on Steam for the game. But I imagine myself playing Arma for hundreds of hours over time, and not just 15-20 and never touch it again. So given that I really do want to invest my time into something like Arma3, "small" things like the "respawn issue" bother me greatly and I cannot get over it just because there is "user created content that doesn't feature respawns". I heard about Apex respawn system while watching a review on youtube, and the guy said something like "Apex has respawn system. Purists won't like it.". If that makes me a purist, he is quite correct in my case, unfortunately. so please, no need to mention the many gamemods Arma3 community has provided. Official content is what matters to me above all else. Then again, perhaps I am not the main "target group" for Arma3 devs. They know who they are getting their money from far better than I do/
  9. johnstewjohnny

    Co-op Campaign: APEX PROTOCOL

    Hi, I am completely new to Arma series, I have literally just discovered it on youtube after googling something like "realistic hardcore FPshooter". I watched a LOT of gameplay on youtube. While I love the gameplay (it is certainly nothing like anything I've ever seen before - it looks beyond amazing) I decided against getting the game for now (I mean no offense, please don't crucify me just yet) because: 1) Apex official campaign has respawns instead of saves. When you respawn, enemies you killed previously are still dead, your ammo is replenished... is this a WoW-like MMORPG mob grind? that's literally the only reason... don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the gameplay itself, but what's the point if I have infinite lives and I can simply grind kill enemies 1 by 1 until I win, no matter how many times I die? I play every single game on hardest difficulty possible (without ever trying it out on lower difficulties) and I thought that Arma3 was a "hardcore" shooter. I played FarCry1 on Realistic difficulty without dying (and if I died, I started the whole level from 0) just to make it more tense. I also played Crysis 1 and 2 on hardest difficulty without saving/loading and without dying (if I die, I start the WHOLE game from the beginning) because I really want to actually feel the danger and tension/fear of being in a life threatening situation while playing Arma3. How cool would it be if you could immerse yourself in the game so much that you actually will try your very best to not get killed? Sure, if I die during a mission, I can artificially gimp myself and start the whole thing again (like I did in Crysis), but I really don't want to do that... I have just thought of another way to say why I don't want to buy Arma3 at the moment, even tho I love the gameplay. Reading the comments on youtube and this forum about Apex campaign, it seems that Arma3 is going out of its way to "cater to casuals". I don't want to get invested into a game that will eventually turn into some sort of CoD. I wrote this because I want to play this game, but at the moment this issue is bothering me too much and is a deal-breaker for me, I want it to be good. Having infinite lives is nonsense. Is there any hope this will get changed? I understand it's supposed to be co-op, and I don't mind co-op at all, but when I play solo, I want consequences if I screw up and get killed. //bold is new caps :P I read a lot of comments in here, I think IndeedPate put it more eloquently than I did. .