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Shrapnel 118

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Everything posted by Shrapnel 118

  1. Shrapnel 118

    The Username Change/Merge Thread

    Ok, its changed now, randomly worked, up the top this time it said "Updated". It didn't previously, it would just sorta fade slightly and become unclickable and after a few minutes the words disappeared and just left the box which I could click and nothing happened.
  2. Shrapnel 118

    The Username Change/Merge Thread

    Yes, I tried multiple times and it didn't change, I'm not sure why. I can send you a recording or something if you wish.
  3. Shrapnel 118

    The Username Change/Merge Thread

    Tried to change name from what it is now to Shrapnel 118 but cant. Can someone change it for me? Also tried changing profile picture by uploading and using Gravatar and neither worked.