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Posts posted by FatRefrigerator

  1. 6 hours ago, demsity said:


    When using the Advanced Ai Command mod (https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/190793-advanced-ai-command/ ) there is a problem with remote controlling squads. When you jump back to the main player commander, the custom action menu adds the same options multiple times. So if you swich multiple times between squads and the commander, after while the action menu has like 15 options for "redeploy", "build" etc.

    This problem is shown in this video by woofer at 9:19.

    I have also experianced problems with the mousewheel not working at all in certain situations, I know its related somehow to the bug listed above since I tried it without the mod. I have also tried only using Advanced Ai Command and no other mods, but the problem persisted.

    The mission was the altis one.

    Thanks in advance!


    I've had this same problem as well, and I assume it has something to do with remote control essentially using Zeus to take control of the AI.

  2. On 5/2/2017 at 3:44 PM, griffz said:



    you should try to play with a dedicated server. with a quad core cpu , it's better than hosting mission from your own game client. run a client PLUS a dedicated one the same computer. RAM hungry but faster .


    You can run the dedicated server and a client version on the same PC? and not have it meltdown? On this same note, just how powerful a CPU do you need to just run a dedicated server? Because I could just run it on my school laptop or something. I'm sure it could work, I just don't want to give players a crappy experience.

  3. I like the idea and I'm no pro so take any of my advice with a grain of salt. xP Just I don't feel that changing the civilian list will change anything, they don't exactly spawn in patrols as such. 

    I think what you're after is going to need some more edits and a new chunk of code somewhere. ^^


    they don't spawn in patrols as such, but they spawn in and around sectors and only when there are players near, which is what i want

    • Like 1

  4. Stick side_civilian back to = CIVILIAN and then try classnames_extensions.sqf and just add independent units to the civilian list, see how it goes?

    When I wanted these kind of constant wars I just added both an independent and an opfor team to the opfor lists and they did battle. 


    It also caused a lot of lag issues and didn't return the result you'd think it would. Usually you'd run towards the sector, then they all spawn and you hear a short burst of heavy gunfire, then you arrive 30 seconds later to find 3 opfor and a lot of bodies. 


    I thought that since in a basic mission, no side will ever shoot at anything on side "civilian" even if they've been shot at by them, I figured switching it to Greenfor would make them fight back. But if you've tried it before then I guess I'll try it the same way. I just wanted to add them as side_civilian so they would have "Police patrols" like the civilians sometimes randomly do. Also I wanted to include regular civilians alongside the police so that if you incur too much collateral damage the police would turn on you until you fix your standing with them (by killing more OPFOR).

    • Like 1

  5. So I'm trying to modify the game so that instead of civilians spawning it's Police that will fight the Redfor with us.


    I'm using "Independent" units for my police force so in the gameplay_constants I switched side_civilian from CIVILIAN to RESISTANCE since resistance is the greenfor team.

    The problem is that the Police won't spawn. Their vehicles spawn, but completely empty. Is there something I'm missing?

  6. Has anyone else ran into an issue of alert going down by itself? We've only a handful of objectives and one major city left. We were hoping for a high alert level for our last major assault but it just keeps dropping. Is this a side effect of only a few CSAT locations left or some other problem?

    I've found that it drops a small amount every time they do some sort of offensive action


    Did you try changing this in gameplay_constants.sqf?

    GRLIB_side_friendly = WEST;
    GRLIB_side_enemy = EAST;

    Might be necessary to edit elsewhere as well, I'll let you know if I see anything. :)

    I already changed that part, that was easy. That just makes the Russians you spawn not shoot you. Now I need to edit the people that spawn on Base Chimera.

  8. I believe what you're looking for is under scripts/shared/classnames.sqf and try changing this line;

    if ( isNil "elite_vehicles_extension" ) then { elite_vehicles_extension = [] }; elite_vehicles = [] + elite_vehicles_extension + ["B_UGV_01_rcws_F","B_MBT_01_TUSK_F","B_MBT_01_arty_F","B_MBT_01_mlrs_F","B_Heli_Attack_01_F","B_Plane_CAS_01_F","B_UAV_02_F","B_UAV_02_CAS_F"];

    to this;

    if ( isNil "elite_vehicles_extension" ) then { elite_vehicles_extension = [] }; elite_vehicles = [] + elite_vehicles_extension + [];

    I haven't actually tested it, so I might be wrong. :)

    Thanks! I'll try that.


    Another question, with the new update I tried switching to RHS Russians and I have 2 problems. The people at Base Chimera shoot me and when I spawn in I'm still dressed in a NATO uniform.
