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Everything posted by SurvivalsGaming

  1. Hi Guys! I have a similar problem. The Object ist showing in the Arsenal and the Inventory, but the Editor placed Object is invisible. When I placed a Medikit then is it visible, but I cann`t take it. class CfgPatches { class SC_USB_Stick { units[] = {"SC_USB_Stick64_Item"}; weapons[] = {"SC_USB_Stick64"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class InventoryItem_Base_F; class SC_USB_Stick64: ItemCore { author = "[TFE] Survival"; displayName = "USB 64Gb"; model = "\sc_usb_stick\sc_usb_stick_64.p3d"; scope = 2; scopeArsenal = 2; scopeCurator = 2; simulation = "ItemMineDetector"; picture = "\sc_usb_stick\Data\sc_usb_stick_ui_64.paa"; allowedSlots[] = {901, 801, 701}; class ItemInfo: InventoryItem_Base_F { mass= 0.1; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Item_Base_F; class SC_USB_Stick64_Item : Item_Base_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "USB Item 64Gb"; author = "[TFE] Survival"; icon = "iconObject_1x1"; vehicleClass = "Items"; model = "\sc_usb_stick\sc_usb_stick_64_dummy.p3d"; class TransportItems { class SC_USB_Stick64 { name = "SC_USB_Stick64"; count = 1; }; }; }; }; Sry for my english ;)
  2. I think the config is broken with 1.60. can anyone help me pls. The googles are work. class CfgPatches { class halo_tfe_config { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {"tfe_V_RebreatherB"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F","A3_Characters_F"}; }; }; class cfgWeapons { class V_RebreatherB; class tfe_V_RebreatherB : V_RebreatherB { displayName = "[TFE] HALO Rebreather "; author = "TFE"; HiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenUnderwaterSelections[] = {"hide"}; shownUnderwaterSelections[] = {"unhide","unhide2"}; hiddenUnderwaterSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\characters_f\common\data\diver_equip_nato_co.paa","\A3\characters_f\common\data\diver_equip_nato_co.paa","\A3\characters_f\data\visors_ca.paa"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\characters_f\common\data\diver_equip_nato_co.paa"}; }; }; class cfgGlasses { class None; // External class reference class G_COB_HALO : None { displayName = "[TFE] HALO Goggles"; author = "TFE"; model = "\A3\characters_f\Heads\glasses\g_diving"; picture = "\A3\characters_F\data\ui\icon_G_Diving_CA.paa"; identityTypes[] = {"NoGlasses", 0, "G_NATO_default", 0, "G_NATO_casual", 0, "G_NATO_pilot", 0, "G_NATO_recon", 0, G_NATO_SF, 0, "G_NATO_sniper", 0, "G_NATO_diver", 1000, "G_IRAN_default", 0, "G_IRAN_diver", 1000, "G_GUERIL_default", 0, "G_HAF_default", 0, "G_CIVIL_female", 0, "G_CIVIL_male", 0}; mass = 3; }; };