Hello Forum!
First word... sorry for my bad english..
Everytime i start my Server the error "Addon 'CUP_Buildings_Config' requires addon 'CUP_Buildings_Data'" occurs.
when i click "ok" the Server load automaticly. I wonder why i dont get this error on my pc when i start Arma with the mod but when i start the server it occurs.
In the .rpt is nothing special except this error.
When you need something, ill give it to you!
Hope you can help me. !
I added the FTP with anonymous (no pw). I tested it when i turn off the firewall on my dedi machine and i could connect to it. When i turn the firewall back on i cant connect.
Do i need to open Ports?
Have the Repo on my Dedi machine but when i try to connect from my pc it says this https://gyazo.com/d8661fcd30e1be5ec56ea1009947c9b5.
but the .a3s config is there