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Posts posted by BomosBoy

  1. The guys without shoes isn't as silly as it may seem.


    A Tanoan government faction would have good though. I was actually kind of expecting it. Just guys in old BDUs with boonie hats and AKs or FALs. Wouldn't even care if they were reskins.


    I don't think any faction is using the new Tactical Chest Rig yet. Wonder who's getting it?


    Ehhhh, the CTRG is using it, the Syndikat, .... . Basicly all sides are using this Tatical Chest Rig except NATO i think.


    I thought they will add a Gendarmerie Pistol like the p250 etc.

  2. I suppose this was a reference to the Viper gear and the 50cal underbarrel assault rifle, those have not been mentioned in the dev diary vidoe


    But the coop campaign is not released yet.... I hope they will add something more.


    Just remember they have a month to finalize everything, maybe they are holding off on textures for NATO.


    Yea it's miller,  "Acts_Breaching_Miller" has him sitting down on a chair supposedly like everyone saw in the trailer.


    One part of the story is spoilered in the dev video already....

    (here is one small thing)


  3. I have a short question:

    In the developer diary they said that some new weapons and uniforms, etc will be for the coop and that they will hiding them unitl the coop campaign is released. So can we expect more weapons / uniforms or is all that we will see already in the sneak preview?

  4. I finished my design with the controlgroups.

    But now i have a new problem and i dont get it fixed. I have 3 buttons (RscButton) that represent a menu. When i click on the button, a controlgroup appears. Thats working fine. My problem is that the active button blinks from black to white. So i set period = 0. Thats also working but now my button has no "active color". I just want that the selected button has white as background and black as textcolor. The otherones have white as textcolor and black as background. Thats basicly all i want but i dont get this working. And the color shouldnt change as long as i press a nonmenu button. When i click on an other menubutton then the background gets black again and text white.



  5. The following (small) things need to be changed in my opinion:

    1. The FINGERS / FINGER POSITION LOOKING DAMN STRANGE (for example the SPAR and Protector 9mm)

    2. The new Pistol is looking awful. Really. It dosnt fit in the game. Also the hand / finger position is strange again. Or remove it!

    3. Please retexture the Type 115 6.5 mm. The texture is looking like a simple color with paint.


    Iam also confused why nobody complains about the car physic's with the Jeep and Prowler. You cant drive them intuitive. Its just like you would driving on ice.

  6. You can only have one at a time. The best way to go about structuring dialogs with lots of controls is with multiple ControlGroups (which are basically containers for controls). The only way I have managed to get two dialogs to be layered (where the bottom layer is inactive) is to create them using the following code:

    _nul = createDialog "RscDialog1";
    ([] call BIS_fnc_displayMission) createDisplay "RscDialog2";

    This will create a dialog "RscDialog1" and then another dialog "RscDialog2" on top of the first.



    Hope this helps,




    Yea it helps alot thx!

    I only need to understand now the concept of the ControlsGroup ^^ but i will read the wiki!

  7. Its nothing special....

    I just want like a "controlbox" where i can put other controls in and access them via one idc.

    class loadoutMenu {
    	idd = 1200;
    	movingEnable = 0;
    	enableSimulation = 1;
    	class controls {
    		class BackgroundTitle : RscText
    			idc = 1211;
    			x = 0.25 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    			y = 0.20 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    			w = 0.5 * safezoneW;
    			h = 0.058 * safezoneH;
    		class BackgroundLoadout : RscText
    			idc = 1212;
    			x = 0.422656 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    			y = 0.324 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    			w = 0.37125 * safezoneW;
    			h = 0.319 * safezoneH;
    		class ButtonLoadoutDefault : RscButton
    			idc = 1201;
    			text = "default"; //--- ToDo: Localize;
    			x = 0.25 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    			y = (0.26 + 0.0015) * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    			w = 0.071 * safezoneW;
    			h = 0.022 * safezoneH;
    		class ButtonLoadoutCustom : RscButton
    			idc = 1202;
    			text = "custom"; //--- ToDo: Localize;
    			x = (0.25 + (0.07) + (0.0015)) * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    			y = (0.26 + 0.0015) * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    			w = 0.071 * safezoneW;
    			h = 0.022 * safezoneH;
    /* MY IDEA #############################
    class supercontrol {
      idc = 2000;
      button1 : RscButton
      button2 : RscButton
    class supercontrol2 {
    idc = 2001;
    button1 : RscButton
    button2 : RscButton

  8. I want to create a loadout dialog with the use of multiple buttons, labels, etc.I've a menu with a headline etc.

    My problem is that the menu is sometimes looking different. (Image)

    I thought it might be possible to have a "super" control where different controls are children of the super control. So that i only need to hide the body of my menu not the header. I know i cant explain it good enough. I hope the picture helps.

    I only want a way where i dont need to hide every single control.



  9. So you need to buy each piece of "content" from BI (you paid for it to artist/BI) and get it to vanilla.... why do that if it is for free as a mod? You think it is just a copy and paste story for BI? well that's not how it actually works......(explained already that it is not that easy) hence to keep a part of content up to date after every stable update, have you ever checked how many mod makers are not happy after every "big update"? And if so the piece of content is now under BI controle, the mod maker will not work on it anymore as he will be working on new stuff what he can sell to BI, meaning that BI eeds to keep updating those peices of content, and have you ever checked how many pieces of content are availble on steamworkshop (and Armaholic and so on)? if they make that all vanilla who gets to keep that up to date? BI for free?

    Youre just thinking too big ^^. I dont want mods integrated in arma3. I want that you can pay modders / BI for new content that all people want. That does not mean every model will be added. If BI says no, its a no. Also i want that modder create content FOR arma 3. For example you have great models and everybody likes the weapon BI has the opportunity to say yes it will be in the game. My idea was only HOW we fund new DLC's / Addons. It should be the community that decides what they want in the next dlc.


    I think that BI will have a solution for the next years. I just hope the community will get a chance to influence the future of arma.

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  10. So you still think that porting a mod into the vanilla game does not cost money? The modder gets paid (fair enough) but BI needs to work for free? That not how it works........ and wenn they start doing that it will mean the end of the ARMA franchise...... why would a player buy a DLC/expansion wenn a mod maker can get paid (much cheaper than BI development cost of course) with kickstarter and BI adds the mod for free to vanilla.

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    Thats what i have written:


    Yea, but they only adding functions to the game. The idea is that artists can create models ONLY for arma3 vanillia. Like the CSGO skins (the artists also get some money).

     I said that bi get money and the artists. I hate DLC's. Thats why i would recommend something else as dlc's. The problem is that if we get a boat dlc, plane dlc, ... the new players wont spend money on every dlc. And that would mean the end for ARMA 3 if only the "hardcore" community buys them. They need free content so that new players have a reason to play it. And modders are the best way because they making great stuff.

  11. You won't a glock I want a 2035 laser canon....... you still not seeing my point.

    Then pay a modder to create a laser canon. What's the problem?

    My idea is that the people who want something in the game can pay for it and the modder gets some money and BI.

    The result is added in the game for free.

    You want a laser canon? then find a modder who models one and pay him. Thats the whole point.

    Nobody needs to pay. Its your choice if you want to support the idea. If nobody wants it, then it will not be added. Its simple.

  12. If they start working like that the game will become the most expensive game ever! Basic game (+-50€) let's say you have to pay for each piece of content you want: going from a gun/camo mod for 2€ and ACE3 mod or CUP for 50€ (both mods brings the game a complete new way of playing) don't forget you have to pay for content added beside the "basic way" as it costs money to make it to vanilla, wich means for larger communities a split up as not everybody wants/can pay for all those mods and servers will be alot less active (mods needed and you need to buy them to play on them) and no new gamemodes will be developed because by that time noone is really playing ARMA and switched to another game.


    Like i explained.... Kickstarter. Lets say we want a glock. a modder has made a nice model with textures etc. But he wants some money (for example 10€). 3 people pay 3, one pays 1€. Tada the modder is payed and the model is ingame.

    You can pay but its your choice. So people with less money dont need to pay. But if we really want the model then some people will pay for it. Its like a dlc funded by the people who wanted it.

    The content in arma 3 is then free for everybody.

  13. So if they add every model/skin and so on are we not losing the part where mod makers are the people making this game so great?

    Of course the first few times the mod makers will create content and hand it over to BI (as they own in a certain way all rights over created content for A3) but after a while they will stop doing that as it does not give them the pleasure in updating the content and so on and BI gets all credits for adding it ingame and not them..... once in BI hands it is out of their controle.

    Maybe you are missing the point that BI delivers ARMA3 (a piece of paper) give you the tools to create anything you want (Pencil and a whipe) you can create what you want and how you want with these "tools" (pen and paper) and edit it in the way you want and how you want (need adjustment: whipe the line and draw a new 1).


    I dont think so. They only add models / textures which we voted / which are needed. Also the modders get some money / credits. Its just that there will be still mods. But the mods are only for "special" things like ace3. If all want a glock / g36 whatever and someone made a great model why it shouldnt be in the game? BI makes some nice animations etc and it will be added in the next update. Or a system like kickstarter where we pay some money and so that the modder gets something back for the work.


    I hope they find a system where modders are directly integrated in the workprogress and have the ability to influence the work on arma 3 vanillia.

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  14. Why do you think BI created steam analysis for ARMA3? They now have perfect numbers on what is played alot with what mod/addon and for how long and so on....... (they dont keep track of the smaller stuff like kill score and so on).

    If a mod/addon got good numbers they will probely add a simular version to the vanilla game ;-) (Load options on vehicle's and the HUD are a great example for that in my opinion), this way they can make our gameplay even better! Adjust to what your community is playing and provide them with the goodies, but knowing the A3 team they will keep away from some detailed stuff from (for example) ACE3, even though they have great stuff with what can be added to vanilla but they also need to draw a line between "realism and extreem realism" and not overkill A3.

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    Yea, but they only adding functions to the game. The idea is that artists can create models ONLY for arma3 vanillia. Like the CSGO skins (the artists also get some money). The problem is that BI is only working on the engine / functions not on the models / textures (only in addons /dlcs). Its more comfortable as downloading mods. Every server needs special mods and they need to be downloaded. It would be easier if they added some core models / texture in vanillia.
