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Everything posted by BomosBoy

  1. BomosBoy

    Apex Gear Feedback

    Will it be possible to setObjectTexture for vests and helmets? Cause i really need a ctrg forest / jungle vest without a mod.
  2. Is it possible to have an action menu for a specific area? For example if you place a marker or a trigger with a radius etc. I have an industrial complex with a radius of 200m and all players within that area should have an addAction. I tried Markers but they have no init field and i need one because i dont want to change that addaction code in an editor every time. Also i tried trigger but there not working (dont know why).
  3. 1. checking so much zones is not even the problem. Like i written before i dont want to change code everytime. I just want to change an init code in the editor (like placing a new addAction to another area) but thats it. It should run by itself. Thats why i though that you can simply add an action menu to the map markers but that isnt the case :/ 2. I have no problem with triggers but like i wrote i dont want (so much) code. Iam searching for an elegant way to solve this. Not a "hardcoded" style. Is it possible to place an object / structure and set collision to false and invisible? I tried hideObject but that hides all including the addAction. I only want to place or copy a trigger / structure whatever and change some lines in the initfield and then i should run without adding variables, arrays, ...
  4. And is no solution for me because i have multiple different areas. I cant have addAction for every area . Thats too much. The industrial complex is only a example. I have buildings with hostages, landing zones, ... All should have an addAction for a specific area. The whole thing should run in multiplayer too. So attach triggers for every player is not an option. One more question: why are the addActions from amra 3 vehicles are different then the addAction iam using? If i use addAction i only see it if its in front of me and when iam aiming in that direction. The vehicles instead have an action menu when iam standing close to them. Iam not aiming at them or looking at the direction. Looks like there working with the distance (dont know)
  5. I there a way to get the bullet count of magazines in the inventory? the command "ammo" is only for loaded magazines. MagazinesDetail returns only a string no count.
  6. I think there is a lack of scripting commands for items etc. For example i want to change my vest with a script. So i coded "removeVest player"; "player addVest "vest"; " now iam looping though all the items to return them in the right place. But the command "addItemToUniform" cant set the amount of ammo for a magazine. The only command that support such things is "addMagazine[name, ammo]". I asked myself how BI handles the change of equipment in the inventory without loosing magazines ammo count etc and still have the items in the right place...
  7. Yea i hope so thx! Is there maby a smaller command for only 1 magazine?
  8. BomosBoy

    Apex Vehicles Feedback

    Here are some suggestions for vehicle animations, bugs, ... 1. Offroad: switch between aiming and not aiming isnt smooth and looks strange 2. Prowler: Driver arm disappears 3. Jeep: rearview mirror has clipping issues 4. Jeep: No turn in animation 5. Jeep: if turn out the character is levitating Video: https://youtu.be/dSX9eomx5BI
  9. I always try to use waitUntil but then i get an generic error which i never can fix (maby the error is easy to fix dont know). Then i use other solutions without waitUntil but now i need waituntil for my display. Following code is not working (dont know why): disableSerialization; waitUntil {(isNull (findDisplay 5000))}; // waitUntil{isNull (uiNamespace getVariable "mySuperDisplay")}; <- Variable is set in onLoad and set to Null in onUnload Always generic error. The funny thing is that i use the same waitUntil (with an other display) in other scripts and there its working fine. EDIT: I now fixed the error. I called the script in an unscheduled environment.
  10. Short question: Is there a function that returns me the name (like Cyrus 9.3 mm) from the classname (srifle_DMR_05_hex_F)? Or do i need something else to get the name? No google results, only to the other way (maby i searched badly)
  11. BomosBoy

    Disappointed with lack of Interactability on Tanoa

    Performance wise i have the question if its really a big deal to add some rooms. Because i played DayZ after the last update and all building are enterable and they even have (random ?) furniture, cars on the street with openable trunks, .... And i have 100+ FPS. Ofc Tanoa has a jungle with a lot of trees, grass, etc but 60 fps would be enough for arma 3, it dosnt need the 100 from dayz. Its a game from the same studio so why there are so much perfomance differences? Its it a better engine or what`?
  12. BomosBoy

    Apex Gear Feedback

    +1 Maby we get a big update after apex release (i hope so). It looks like they developed the fractions like CTRG without thinking about the clothing. Its the point you mentioned. They have a cheap tactical vest and using stuff from the AAF. It feels like an unfinished fraction which is cobbled together.
  13. After i changed my dev built to the normal built and back it looks like my CfgFunctions is broken. I changed basicly nothing but i cant call any Function that i added in CfgFunctions with the console. The strange thing is that all my functions that are called after the init.sqf are working fine. I only cant call functions from my console anymore. BIS functions working fine also. So i think there is something wrong with my CfgFunctions. In the console: [] call ui_fnc_loadoutMenu; Functions.hpp class UIFunctions { tag = "ui"; class Master { file = "ui"; ext = ".sqf"; }; class Functions { file = "ui\functions"; ext = ".sqf"; class loadoutMenu {}; class teamMenu {}; }; }; in the description.ext: enableTeamSwitch = 0; respawnButton = 0; respawnDialog = 0; disabledAI = 1; aiKills = 0; ShowGPS = 1; showPad = 1; class CfgFunctions { #include "Functions.hpp" };
  14. BomosBoy

    CfgFunctions not working

    Yea still thank you for your time! I hope when apex is out and iam forced to switch that the consol stays fine.
  15. BomosBoy

    CfgFunctions not working

    I developed on dev then i switched to stable and it stopped working. then i switched back to dev and still not working. UPDATE: I switched to apex preview downloaded some GB and now its working again. I will stay on the apex built i hope it wont happen again.
  16. BomosBoy

    CfgFunctions not working

    I think you missed my point. I was able to run it just 2 days ago from the console. Then i changed the branch and now its not working anymore. Its has nothing to do with the script itself. I think its a problem with the console which is not able to find my CfgFunctions or what ever. My fn_loadoutMenu.sqf is without any errors and is working fine. Like i said its not the script, its the consol in my opinion. disableSerialization; private["_display"]; _display = uiNamespace getVariable "loadoutUIMenu"; (_display displayCtrl 4000) ctrlShow true; systemChat "loadout menu open"; Iam btw not a noob in terms of coding. Such mistakes are normally not happening. Iam working on a small project and now the console is broken so i cant test scripts and thats very annoying. In my script not even the systemChat output is there. I tested 5 scipts and even a simple script with hint "bla"; and NOT A SINGLE SCRIPT is working.
  17. BomosBoy

    CfgFunctions not working

    But i didnt changed the mission files at all. So all stayed the same. I just cant call ANY of my functions from the consol. If i call it with fnc_ui_bla from the init scripts its working. Only the console is broken. Also there is no error, nothing. I think i will deinstall arma and install it again.
  18. BomosBoy

    CfgFunctions not working

    The problem is that the stuff was working (i have called all scripts fn_bla etc). After the switch to the normal branch and back all scripts not working anymore. If i call a script fnc_ui_etc from the init.sqf its working. But i cant call a script from the console like i described. Even when i have a simple script with only systemChat "bla"; its not working if i call it from the console. It looks like the console cant find my scripts. The funny thing is that i dont even get an error if i use wrong calls. It just dosnt do anything except the BI implemented functions.
  19. BomosBoy

    Apex Gear Feedback

    +1 Also they need to add different uniforms because CTRG is a cooperation between more then 3 countries i think. I would appreciate if they add like 2 or 3 uniforms that are all CTRG style but with some small differences like the color or camo.
  20. BomosBoy

    Apex Gear Feedback

    Thats a engine / script thing. Has nothing to do with the uniform itself.
  21. BomosBoy

    Disappointed with lack of Interactability on Tanoa

    My suggestion: 1. Just add one or two rooms for the skyscrapers. For example the blue one because right now it just looks like a cube with a defuse texture and its not looking very realistic or detailed. 2. Add some wood planks etc which you can use for closing windows and doors. So that non enterable buildings are looking more realitic.
  22. BomosBoy

    Apex Gear Feedback

    My problem with the uniforms is that BI promised that they have "complete new" uniforms for us. And that we will get suprised... After the "new" uniforms where released it was only 1 new: the Viper Uniform. The CTRG stealth uniform was just a reskin with a new collar. Nothing more. Thats kinda sad. I also hope that we will get new vests because the only new vest is like the old ones without the tube.
  23. BomosBoy


    Will it be possible to add own textures to vests and helmets etc? (like on uniforms and vehicles)