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Everything posted by Dalle96

  1. Dalle96

    Eden editor lag

    Hello, i am having some problems with my Eden Editor. Since i updated Arma 3 on steam and Eden edit turned into version 1.6 (The latest version of Eden Editor). Then my Eden Editor became laggy when i use it only 1/10 time does it work without anything lagging. This just happend after the update, so no, it's not because of my pc or my map because why would it work before then without lag. So please be nice.
  2. Dalle96

    Eden editor lag

    Actually i don't know. Hahah. But i ran the mission on my server and then i edited it eden editor. ( DO NOT RUN MISSION IN EDEN ) it will make the mission lag af untill you put it online. Idk why but this happend to me. Also i think if it's because of alot of extra buildings that will cause the lag beacuse a clean and untouched altis life mission doesn't lag
  3. Hello everyone, i am trying to remove the storagefee or set it to a low number value but i can't seem to find out where i would be able to change the storagefee. Thanks.
  4. Dalle96

    Storage fee?

    I've tried with all for four. Doesn't work either
  5. Dalle96

    Storage fee?

    I've it like you told me to :) i am running AL v4.4
  6. Dalle96

    Storage fee?

    Nope doesn't work
  7. Dalle96

    Storage fee?

    Many thanks for this! I've tried searching google more than 5 times but proberly didn't write something familiar to your search. but thanks! I will test this out now!
  8. Hello is there anyway i can set jailtime for altis life v4.4? or is there any scripts released? Thanks.
  9. Hello i am trying to insert a mod for my altis life server 4.4 but i get this message when trying to enter the server I've tried to create my own key but that didn't work either. Please help
  10. Dalle96

    Eden editor lag

  11. Hello, i am customizing my mission.sqm inside EDen Editor. I want to move the town "Sofia" but how do i get the name moved to the new location? I made 2 red circles around the name Sofia because the "Sofia" to the left on the menu is un-editable and the second "Sofia" where you see it being placed in the town, that is what i want to move to another location. Is it possible?
  12. Okay thankyou, then i will just have to change Sofia to the new city name when people select spawnpoints. But thanks :)
  13. I don't know what to edit in the remoteexec.txt since i cannot find the log. But what should be added/edited/deleted inside remoteexec.txt??
  14. Hello i've just setup Altis life v4.4 but when i log in to RCON (admin) and i use debug console inside my server i get this error and gets kicked. I've tried to add "F(call,ANYONE)" under commands in CfgRemoteExec.hpp. It's pretty annoying because i can't even add more weapons to shops (not customs) And the last question is. Is there an admin panel or should i be using a script? ( Does infiShit work on 4.4 )
  15. This is from my RPT. 12:00:40 Scripting command 'call' is not allowed to be remotely executed And i also get a bunch of these. 12:45:07 Unknown entity: ' lt' 12:45:07 Unknown entity: ' gt' if i should look inside Battleye logs where can i then locate them? I only know about the RPT files.
  16. Hahah i didn't realize i called it infishit but i don't expect any support either. But i've heard alot of people was unhappy about it. But would it be in RemoteExec.txt i should enable it? Because it looks meesy for me. http://pastebin.com/FwA3TniS
  17. Hello i am having problems loading a edited mission.sqm file. I've used Eden Editor for this and all i did was actually just adding walls. When i try and use it on my online server it says: Error Loading Mission and then i am not able to choose a faction and it will reload the lobby every 3-4 second. Full rpt: http://pastebin.com/GF23wmgs( The "CRC packet mismatch of client and server" error is gone now ) Mission.sqm: http://www.altislife.org/Other/mission.sqm I did only insert the mission.sqm into the editor mission folder. But if you need more files feel free to ask.
  18. Hello i am having problems loading a edited mission.sqm file. I've used Eden Editor for this and all i did was actually just adding walls. When i try and use it on my online server it says: Error Loading Mission and then i am not able to choose a faction and it will reload the lobby every 3-4 second. Full rpt: http://pastebin.com/GF23wmgs( The "CRC packet mismatch of client and server" error is gone now ) It does say something about earplugs but i haven't felt anything wrong about them while using them yet, so they are not causing any problems i guess. Mission.sqm: http://pastebin.com/AZX6R39Y I did only insert the mission.sqm into the editor mission folder. But if you need more files feel free to ask.
  19. Dalle96

    [RELEASE] NRE Earplugs

    It does say SQF but the question is. Does this automatically activates by itself when entering a vehicle or do i have to press something to activate earplugs?
  20. Dalle96

    [RELEASE] NRE Earplugs

    Thankyou!. I have only putted the code into the files as i should, but when i enter my server it dosen't lower the sound. Is there a button who needs to be pressed before this script works?
  21. Dalle96

    [RELEASE] NRE Earplugs

    Uuhm, how does it work? How do i enable this ?