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Posts posted by kwrettinger

  1. 1.58.135712 profiling & performance v2 server and client, windows/linux

    * fixed system allocator related crashes / issues

    * fixed Difficulty tab no longer disabled after first mission on dedicated server



    Still the same problem with default system malloc. Happens after an hour now, rather than 10 minutes.

  2. 1.58.135712 profiling & performance v2 server and client, windows/linux

    * fixed system allocator related crashes / issues

    * fixed Difficulty tab no longer disabled after first mission on dedicated server



    Thank you for your help! Can we now use the default system allocator with the new .exe?

  3. Thank you very much for your help! Can we use the default system malloc again with the new .exe?


    Edit: Game runs fine with default system malloc for 1 hour (rather than 10 minutes), after which fps still drops to 3 fps.
