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Jakub BXBX Horyna

Former Developer
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Posts posted by Jakub BXBX Horyna

  1. 9 hours ago, granQ said:

    Lots of nice information here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dynamic_Loadouts but not a word on how it shall be done on the vehicle itself.


    I am suspecting a proxy, but whats the name, anyone knows?


    hi, just add proxy to model "\A3\Weapons_F\DynamicLoadout\PylonPod_3x_Missile_AGM_02_F.p3d"

    or create new one and create config

    class CfgNonAIVehicles
        class ProxyWeapon;
        class ProxyPylonPod_3x_Missile_AGM_02_F: ProxyWeapon
            model = "\A3\Weapons_F\DynamicLoadout\PylonPod_3x_Missile_AGM_02_F.p3d";
            simulation = "pylonpod";

    but because it's still WIP, it could change.

  2. Hi everybody
    I and my friends made small addon "The ADR-97 Weapon Pack" for ARMA 3, we did it "mostly" in our spare time and BI helped us to release it on steam.
    It was released as an 'official mod' to help players discover the possibilities of custom content.


    Enjoy, and I am looking forward to feedback.


    thank you for all reports and ideas, we did some tweaks



    Added: New camo variants

    Added: New sound sets
    Added: Sound of the cases falling on the ground
    Changed: Model has been polished
    Tweaked: Update of the config
    Tweaked: Config for dispersion, mass, ammunition etc...

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