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About Invader777

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  1. Invader777

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    Diehard FC posted a mention that TF47 was running afoul of Gcam. We've been using TF47 Launchers for a while (Great mod by the way.) and we recently picked up Gcam only to find it seems to have compatibility issues with both TF47 and Toadie's HLC Aug pack. Has anyone managed to get Gcam working with vanilla TF47 yet? (As, we're not running RHS or CUP.) It'd be lovely to get some nice cinematic showcases of what TF47 is all about.
  2. Invader777

    GCam (Let's fix this great mod)

    Hi, just thought I'd mention I've found two mod incompatibilities with Gcam. 1. TF47 Launchers. (Which Reyhard pointed out a solution to for the RHS variant, but I'm still stumped how to solve it for the vanilla TF47 - as we run it but not RHS.) 2. Toadie's HLC Aug pack. (Both the Steam variant and the Armaholic variant [N!Arsenal] wouldn't mind finding a workaround to get both of these working if possible. (TF47 Launchers being a bit of a priority for our community) Still, really love what this mod does. very cool stuff. been looking for something like this since forever.