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Posts posted by REAVER ARMANET

  1. On 8/11/2017 at 1:33 PM, SpacePilotMax said:

    Pistols: The only real reason to use them is if you're carrying a full sniper rifle or a heavy weapon and don't expect direct contact.


    I can't disagree with this more. Pistols are, in my opinion, one of the most useful items in the game. Close to a large group of enemies and need to take a roving target that's wondered away from the group without alerting his friends? Pistol. Want to do a close range simultaneous take down but you're facing the direction you're heading into the AO and want to ensure that the sound of your suppressed round doesn't pass beyond those shooters? Pistol. Weapon jam? Pistol. Dry fire? Pistol. Need to injure a running target without killing them? Pistol. The pistol is the most important part of my load out. Not  because I use it often, but because when I do use it, it serves a greater purpose. Is it useful for long range shots? Hell no but what pistol really is in a combat situation? None. But it's the best  and most useful close range item we all have.

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  2. Thanks Buck! We're excited to be back on the air and providing content for all. Dagger and I have more coming down the pipeline (including the YouTube channel getting up and running) once we're over the cold Dagger and I are / were both dealing with at the same time lol. Thanks everyone for the support We are, as we always have been, humbled by it.

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  3. Dagger, nice job on the debrief. Last night was tough for me so im glad we were still able to get the news and information out. Also thank you everyone for your support and comments. It only helps us improve!

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