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About DCNemesis

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  1. DCNemesis

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    another curious thing happened last night... we disabled a tank, only to find that we could not get inside. I'm wondering if maybe there was an AI still inside the tank, and as such it was locked to us? tanks are able to be stolen, right? Are the AI supposed to leave the vehicle when it is disabled, or do they stay inside? We've had an AI helicopter gunner stay in the chopper after we shot the pilot and it auto landed, so I'm guessing that it's possible the tank crew stayed in the vehicle. I would guess then that we can't enter a vehicle that the enemy AI occupies, right?
  2. DCNemesis

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Thanks Barbo. It seems my friend got the server to load our save properly with the towing mod enabled, though I don't think he's tried to use it yet so I can't confirm its functionality. As for the Zemak Ammo Truck, is this something that you'd be able to fix in a future patch? It just seems a bit funny that the "Ammo Truck" can't be loaded with ammo crates. If not, no biggy! Thanks again.
  3. DCNemesis

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Ok one more question... hopefully the last one today! I'm not sure if this is a bug, or maybe intentional, but it seems like we're unable to load ammo/weapon crates into Zemak Ammo vehicle that spawns with the "capture the ammo truck" missions. Any insight here?
  4. DCNemesis

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Thanks Barbo! Another question.. I read from one of the other players of your scenario that he was able to get the Advanced Towing mod to work, which sounded really helpful. I had my buddy who hosts the server download the mod, but when he launches it with the towing mod activated he can't hit "restart server" to get the server to reset to the point where he can load the persistent save. Can you confirm that the advanced towing mod is compatible? Are any tweaks required in order to get them to work together without errors? Any insight you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  5. DCNemesis

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi Barbolani, First off - thanks very much for creating such an awesome scenario. My friend and I have been having a blast with it. I have one question for you and the community here, and I apologize if it's been answered in this thread or the manual or elsewhere... I've checked and haven't found it, but that could be my fault. My friend is hosting a private server on his computer, and we connect via LAN to play. As such, he's been the default commander thus far, which has left me unable to request missions and other actions reserved for the commander. Is there a way that he can relinquish command so that I can give it a try? Hopefully one that does not have any negative impact on his character, or his ability to resume command without negative effects. Thanks very much!