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About ExodusRifle

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  1. Sorry for bumping an old thread but i cant start a new topic, Anyway I keep constantly getting no message received. This has gradually gotten worse and worse over the past few days, It used to happen every twenty minutes in game on the dot all the time now it happenes at exactly seven minutes in game, And not only is it just a no message recieved error when I eventually get kicked out from the server the whole game locks up and I cant do anything else but CTRL+ALT+DELETE and exit the application form there, I have gotten a detailed report but the feedback tracker doesn't work anymore. I just want to know is this happening to anyone else and does anyone Admins or people in general know what exactly is going on, Because this is beyond annoying and it happens in every online game mode I'm playing, Campaign offline games work perfectly fine. Oh and is there any other way i can send detailed feedback reports or is that feature gone forever. I would really appreciate some help guys thanks.