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    Bulldozer.exe not found?

    Hi, I am new to ARMA 3 and I am enjoying the game very much! So when I downloaded the ARMA 3 Tools from Steam; I was saddened to find the problem with Buldozer. I did a lot of research and unfortunately, I did not find a solution right away. Then, I searched Google and saw your thread. I noticed, we are experiencing the same exact problem. --Finally after a few hours of trial and error, I figured out how to fix it. The fix is very simple and hope you can benefit from it as well... Step 1: Follow everything CAPTNCAPS does here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw80ZWZh1Xw Step 2: Double Click on: DevP.bat Step 3: Double Click on: P:\BuldozerConfigurator.exe Step 4: Paste this code for ObjectBuilder (Under Options) > External Viewer: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe -buldozer -name=Buldozer -window -exThreads=0 -mod= -noAsserts -nologs -profiles=P:\Buldozer -cfg=P:\Buldozer\Buldozer.cfg -name=Buldozer Step 5: In Terrain Builder, make sure to check under the Tools > Settings field that the [.exe file path] points to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe Then, paste this code under the Launch Parameters field: -buldozer -name=Buldozer -window -exThreads=0 -mod= -noAsserts -nologs -profiles=P:\Buldozer -cfg=P:\Buldozer\Buldozer.cfg -name=Buldozer And this should be it! I hope this works for you or any other future member who is having the same issues with installing Buldozer. If you have any questions, let me know. SKYROCK [email protected]