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Everything posted by Iskandru

  1. Iskandru

    WARMOD release

    Hello everybody. I hope someone still follows this topic, cause i have a problem with the mod. Everything's wonderful and all, what with the awesome AI, sounds, UI, but for me it has one major problem. It interferes with the AI scripting big time, to the point where some campaign missions, and some user made campaigns are no longer playable. It seems to make the AI start fights when they are not supposed to, or makes them go to places they souldn't be. Two examples: One, in the very first mission of the ArmA campaign, the one where you get the mission to check out some shots fired in Corazol, my humvee never gets to the city. The AI orders everyone to disembark somewhere halfway along the road, and starts engaging far away enemies. The enemies in the town come out as well, and the battle takes place on the outskirts, making the outcome very uncertain. The mission might end successfully (albeit in a different way than normal vanilla), but more often than not, it could also hang because the enemies blow up the extraction vehicle, or the extraction vehicle gets lost on route engaging some far away enemies, etc. It's not how it's supposed to happen. The second example is in the custom campaign G.L.O.R.I.A, where, in a cutscene, my jeep is supposed to be captured by some enemies, and they hold me at gunpoint. Well, that also never happens. Before the custcene starts, i can hear distant gunfire (which shouldn't happen), and in the cutscene, all hell breakes loose. Everybody's duking it out, effectively managing to kill each other, as well as me and my driver, DURING the cutscene. A cutscene where normally everyone should just stand around and talk to each other. It completely brakes the mission So the game is pretty much unplayable with the mod, which is a real shame, because when it does manage to work, everything's wonderful, and i'd hate to disable it because i can't play the game otherwise. So? any suggestions?