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Everything posted by RickRack

  1. RickRack

    Sound when hit

    I am creating a shoot house for CQB training. I am using a Popup target script and would like to add to it so that it plays a sound when certain popup targets are hit. IE the Civ or HVT targets. Revo's Code worked fine until i reset the targets which removes the Eventhandler "hit". Below is the reset code. params [["_dist",50,[1]],["_center",player,[objNull]]]; //in params _targets = nearestObjects [position _center, ["TargetBase"], _dist]; //take all nearby practice targets if (count _targets < 1) exitWith { systemChat "No compatible targets were found."; //exit if no targets have been found }; {_x animate ["Terc",0];} forEach _targets; //get all targets to upright pos {_x addEventHandler ["HIT", { //add EH (_this select 0) animate ["Terc",1]; //if hit, get to the ground (_this select 0) RemoveEventHandler ["HIT",0]; //remove EH } ]} forEach _targets; I am sure it's simple but I can't figure it out. I thought to use if ((_targets iskindof "TargetP_Civ_f") or (_targets iskindof "TargetP_Civ2_f")) then {playSound "Alarm"}; But it didn't seem to work. I am not a scripter but I can usually pick someone else's hard work apart and adapt it to my needs. This one has me stumped.
  2. RickRack

    Ghost Missions

    I Downloaded the files from armaholic and assumed they were the latest version. I have used the workshop to get version 4.0.0. i will give that a try and start modding it to our liking. Thanks for the help.
  3. RickRack

    Ghost Missions

    We are playing the Tanoa mission V3.3. It does not seem to have Arsenal on the ammo drop. I will take a look at the Altis files and may be able to find what I need.
  4. RickRack

    Ghost Missions

    We are just getting started on your mission, I am sorry to say. We have enjoyed it and wished we had found it sooner. I run a server with various missions for my community and we just found your mission and have been playing and enjoying it. I am ready to start tweaking it to our liking. One of the first things requested by the community was for the ammo drop to have Arsenal. I do not restrict arsenal at all. I saw somewhere in your changelog that the ammo drop should have it. Our mission doesn't seem to have this. Looking through the files I have found "fn_ammodrop.sqf". I am guessing somewhere in line 86-99 I can add arsenal to the ammo box but I am unsure where and which function to call. Some advice would be appreciated. I also looked into the "fn_magazines.sqf" to see if this was the place to add arsenal but again I am unsure. Thanks for a great mission and for any help anyone can provide.