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Posts posted by McYuki




    Available from Steam workshop http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=884232981


    A compromised mission to eliminate a high priority target descends into a desperate fight for survival.

    1 to 4 player RAVAGE scenario. Objective based with side missions both marked and unmarked on map.
    Ranges across approximately 25km of Altis terrain encompassing a full 24hr cycle. Time scale is set to 6x and hunger/thirst is set at 2x the norm, you will have to eat and drink to complete your objectives. The final section can be reached before nightfall if you get lucky with transport. However it was designed with a stealth, undercover of darkness approach, use the Ravage rest function if you get there with time to spare.

    Should you succumb to the infected, bandits, starve or die of thirst there are incremental respawn points throughout the mission and you return to the game with the loadout you die with. The basic arma revive system is also in place and stamina is disabled.

    Do yourself a favour, subscribe to Arma enhanced movement and set it up. Climbing on to the roof of buildings and over walls will help you avoid zombies and negotiating towns with faction Ai hunting you is much more fun when you can get over that wall or climb through a window. 
    However, AEM is not a requirement for this scenario.

    You will need to get ravage from Here

    Cup weapons and RHS weapons will show up on bandits if you have the mods enabled, though once again they are not required.
    No other mods are supported with this scenario and they will almost certainly disrupt its effective usage if enabled.

    My Thanks to Daz, Kodabar and Jimmakos for help in both creating and testing Bib. Thanks also to the arma community for all the great tutorials out there. 

    And of course the biggest thank you to HALEKS for creating RAVAGE.



    • Like 3



    19 hours ago, haleks said:


    I hope you guys are still having fun besides those hiccups. ;)


    Very Much so ;]


    Dynamic simulation is taking some getting used to.

    Has it impacted the way you will be handling the Ai module?



  3. New bug?


    Thirst seems to be staying at 100 after death/respawn. Tried searching for previous reference to this and found no mention of it.

    This is on a listen server, so I'm not sure if it applies to single player scenarios.

    • Like 1

  4. 2 hours ago, donniepcgames said:

    I continue to have the same problems as a mission maker. I cannot figure this out. I've read countless other threads on this topic and can't get a straight answer from anyone. I keep getting conflicting information.

    First... how do I get custom made loadouts to respawn the way I made them? I will give custom player loadouts a specific gun and uniform, for example, and every time I die in game, it reverts back to the template and has none of the same starting gear I had.

    I also need to know how to override character profiles made on Arma? For example, if I give my character profile sunglasses, every time I play Arma, my character has sunglasses. Is there a way as a mission maker to override this? If I want my player loadouts to start with a shemag on instead of having glasses on, can this be overridden?


    Respawn with on death loadout.


    Two files in your mission folder, pasted without change.





    [player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory;





    [player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory;





    Load your custom loadout from the player init with




    null = [this] execVM "loadout1.sqf";  





    And another file in your mission folder (export from the armory to find the classnames of your loadout to replace the ones I have been using obviously)





    waitUntil {!isNull player};       //to prevent MP / JIP issues
    _unit = _this select 0;
    comment "Remove existing items";
    removeallweapons _unit;
    removeallassigneditems _unit;
    removeallcontainers _unit;
    comment "Add containers";
    _unit forceAddUniform "U_B_CTRG_1";
    _unit addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";
    _unit addItemToUniform "Chemlight_green";
    _unit addVest "V_Chestrig_blk";
    _unit addmagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",2];
    _unit addHeadgear "H_Watchcap_camo";
    _unit addGoggles "LBG_Shemagh_OD";
    comment "Add weapons";
    _unit addWeapon "arifle_MX_Black_F";
    comment "Add items";
    _unit linkItem "ItemMap";
    _unit linkItem "ItemCompass";
    _unit linkItem "ItemWatch";
    _unit linkItem "ItemRadio";
    if(true) exitWith{};





    hope that helps




    And yes it took me while to find it too.


    • Like 4

  5. After enjoying playing around with Ravage and the editor for quite a while I have finally released a scenario for you to pull apart/ridicule.

    I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I did making it.


    Bad Intel Blues

    1-4 player coop RAVAGE scenario


    Thanks to Jimmakos and Kodabar for their help in creating and testing.




    • Like 3


    I have been populating a flat fogbound area with a single zombie runner in a 200m square SAD waypoint cycle then copy pasting this to fill an otherwise dull running time to an objective.


    My question is would it be more efficient to use a zombie horde module set to spawn a single runner with 100m spawn trigger radius.

    We are talking about 15 modules.

    or spawn them in on triggers?





    oh and 



    0 = [this] call rvg_fnc_equip;
    Jimmakos ty ty ty
