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Everything posted by RitterNZ

  1. Thanks dedmen but I'm still having no luck. I need steps for dummies I know nothing of this stuff I just a copy and paste. I have tried class CUP_B_LR_Transport_GB_W: LandVehicle { tf_hasLRradio = 1; // 1 = true, 0 = false }; and class CUP_B_LR_Transport_GB_W: Car_F { tf_hasLRradio = 1; // 1 = true, 0 = false }; and I get error undefined base class : LandVehicle or Car_F. I have also tried null = [this, "driver_radio_settings"] call TFAR_fnc_setLrSpeakers; in the vehicle init and not working for speakers. Ideally I'm hoping to find something I can put in the mission init.sqf that will set speakers on for all vehicles but will be happy with any working command. Thanks.
  2. Hey, I am hoping to get some help with a couple things I am trying to implement in a mission. 1. I am trying to add LR radio to a couple of CUP Land Rovers that don't already have them: CUP_B_LR_Transport_GB_W CUP_B_LR_MG_GB_W I have looked at this example and used the class names of the vehicles I want to use but I am not really sure how to implement it as everything I have tried has failed to work. class MyVehicleWithRadio: LandVehicle { tf_hasLRradio = 1; // 1 = true, 0 = false }; 2. I want to have all vehicle radios to default to speakers so we hear comms coming from all vehicles. I have found this [_object, "driver_radio_settings"] call TFAR_fnc_setLrSpeakers; but I can not seem to get this working either. Hopefully someone has a solution :) Thanks.
  3. A small clip of the blood trails that we have been seeing.
  4. RitterNZ

    Fuel consumption

    this works perfect for the script version, thanks.
  5. RitterNZ

    Fuel consumption

    Awesome mod, is there any chance of setting bisign version and server key? Thanks.