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Posts posted by RitterNZ

  1. Thanks dedmen but I'm still having no luck.

    I need steps for dummies I know nothing of this stuff I just a copy and paste.


    I have tried 

    class CUP_B_LR_Transport_GB_W: LandVehicle {

    tf_hasLRradio = 1// 1 = true, 0 = false



    class CUP_B_LR_Transport_GB_W: Car_F {

    tf_hasLRradio = 1// 1 = true, 0 = false


    and I get error undefined base class :  LandVehicle or Car_F.


    I have also tried null = [this, "driver_radio_settings"] call TFAR_fnc_setLrSpeakers; in the vehicle init and not working for speakers. Ideally I'm hoping to find something I can put in the mission init.sqf that will set speakers on for all vehicles but will be happy with any working command.




  2. Hey,

    I am hoping to get some help with a couple things I am trying to implement in a mission.



    I am trying to add LR radio to a couple of CUP Land Rovers that don't already have them:




    I have looked at this example and used the class names of the vehicles I want to use but I am not really sure how to implement it as everything I have tried has failed to work.

    class MyVehicleWithRadio: LandVehicle {

    tf_hasLRradio = 1; // 1 = true, 0 = false



    I want to have all vehicle radios to default to speakers so we hear comms coming from all vehicles.

    I have found this [_object, "driver_radio_settings"] call TFAR_fnc_setLrSpeakers; but I can not seem to get this working either.


    Hopefully someone has a solution :)



  3. did you try writing this into the init of the vehicle?

    this setVariable ["fox_fuel_settings_rate", 0.00020, true];

    and then you need to run the script for that vehichle which is the another line in that init section

    this execVM "fn_fuel.sqf";


    To test if it works you can put a very high consumption rate and check if it works

    this works perfect for the script version, thanks.
