33 year old 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade veteran looking for a unit. I'm located in US Central time zone.
I'm new to Arma and looking to learn the ropes and make the most out of the game. I know what I'm looking for in a unit may be difficult to find, but here I go anyway.
I have a busy schedule, including recruiter and leadership duties for a Star Citizen organization, Havoc X. While I want to put in a good chunk of time in Arma, my gaming priorities go to the Havoc X organization and thus I need a unit that is OK with a casual commitment level (1 hour max committed time per week with a somewhat lax reporting policy, but likely will show up and participate 6-8+ per week).
Despite my limited commitment level, I'm looking for a unit that provides training and has a clear structure and SOPs, but also a casual environment.
My primary interest lies in rotary aviation performing CAS and transport duties (I fly with a full on HOTAS and rudder pedal setup), but do want to pursue other avenues on occasion (infantry, SF, armor, artillery, etc...). I do need more practice on my hovering and landing before feeling confident enough to perform said flight duties on a mission.
I'm not sure yet if I want full on Realsim, relaxed, or something else in between, so an organization that has multiple gameplay opportunities would be a plus.
Due to the way my schedule works out at times, I may choose to play at virtually any time of day or night, so a larger unit with 24/7 activities (obviously not by the same people at all hours :) ) would be a plus.
I would like to participate in large scale operations in both PvP and PvE environments.
To sum it up, I'm looking for both structure and flexibility. I have the capability of using TeamSpeak, Mumble, or Discord with a headset and mic. I'm also willing to download other free communication software, such as C3 if need be.
In addition, I'm willing to assist with Twitch, YouTube, (I have active accounts on and have the capabilities to do both) and, in a limited capacity, simple graphic design using GIMP.