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About edge100x

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  1. george_, I can confirm that the performance binary from today does fix the problem on Windows.
  2. That did fix it! Can you provide any details on what the cause was? If it happens again (with this or another game) it would be useful to have information to give the developer to assist with fixing it.
  3. The performance binary is not helping. It is stopping at the same place. If possible, it would be fastest and easiest to test a new release in your lab environment. Creating two different services under non-administrator users should work to reproduce the problem.
  4. Reproducing this on Windows should be a matter of creating two servers, each under a separate user, and then running them as services (such as through Firedaemon), also under the appropriate users. One server will start up normally and the other will hang. I imagine the culprit is some similar system-wide lock, but I have not been able to determine what it is using Process Monitor or other tools.
  5. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a similar workaround available on Windows, so those of us on Windows are stuck waiting for a fix from BI.
  6. Nod, this is also discussed in the next post down on this forum as a more general problem: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/188192-server-linux-156-strange-issue/. We haven't been able to find a workaround on our end apart from running all servers under one user, which isn't a real option for security reasons. I'd post my own topic in the troubleshooting forum, but this system won't let me do that yet. I and another user also submitted information through a ticket in their feedback tracker before they had to take it down (which was unfortunate timing, since this really is a serious issue that they need to fix ASAP).
  7. This same problem occurs on Windows right now when servers are run as services under different users. I submitted more data through feedback.arma3.com. The running-everything-as-one-user workaround unfortunately isn't appropriate for a shared hoster that gives FTP access to its customers so that they can make changes directly to the server, as that allows any customer to access other customers' files.