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Everything posted by cgsmike

  1. cgsmike

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    Dying to try it!
  2. cgsmike

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    When do you expect the vehicle towing to be available to the public?
  3. I had a friend that got banned from Dayz Standalone (Battle Eye), then moved onto Arma 3... he purchased Arma 3, and when he went to log in after spending $60, he found out he was already "banned" for that steam account on battle eye. Kinda sucked for him obviously since he just wasted $60.
  4. cgsmike

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    Can't wait to add this to our server. It looks amazing, very smooth and flows great. I've never seen realistic towing as good as it shows in your video. Great work.
  5. cgsmike

    Arma 3 Exile Mod

    great mod! They've done a great job with the code and haven't had alot of issues with the recent release. Plus a great community website/forums to go with it. definitely recommend giving it a shot.