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Everything posted by diggadat

  1. diggadat


    John, I stumbled across this script while working on a new modpack for our unit. What an awesome idea! I would love to get this working in MP so that we could apply it to some cool HVT extractions and such. I can see so many possibilities. Seems like your on the brink of getting MP ready after reading this thread. Some of the things that are happening when I run it with others in the unit: The Deploy Skyhook menu option doesn't appear for anyone but me (the host) even though it initiated for all, I see the full animation "balloon" and all, but others only see a flying rope, when someone attempts to pick me up the rope connects and then breaks on my end and stays attached to the vehicle. They're moving pretty slow as well. Works perfectly with AI just not with players. Any solutions for these problems?