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About jumpjack

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  1. I'm trying to use head tracking in Take On Helicopters, but using an android smartphone as an input; starting TrinusVR additional sofwtare I can see TrackIR appearing in the list of available controllers; I can also associate TrackIR "commands" to Take On Helicopters "view" commands... but then in the game nothing happens upon moving the phone! Any experience? Hidden setting I'm missing? Tips?
  2. jumpjack

    HeadTracking settings

    I'm trying to use head tracking in Take On Helicopters, but using an android smartphone as an input; starting TrinusVR additional sofwtare I can see TrackIR appearing in the list of available controllers; I can also associate TrackIR "commands" to Take On Helicopters "view" commands... but then in the game nothing happens upon moving the phone! Any experience? Hidden setting I'm missing? Tips?
  3. Which version are you using? I found an old TOH DVD purchased years ago and I just installed TOH on my Win8 system... and at its first run it automatically downloaded updates. Both Windows and TOH are in Italian. Now version is 1.06.97057
  4. I installed FreeTrack, bur TOH crashes upon start, without even showing splash screen. What I'm actually trying to do is using my phone as an head-tracking system using TrinusVR, but as no head-tracking controller appears in TOH controllers list, I thought I needed a REAL head-tracking driver installed... No luck. Does anybody have experience with TrinusVR?