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Posts posted by Fridgeworks

  1. Hey, everybody!

    Sorry for the short hiatus. Took a break over the holidays. I'll try to get back to tinkering soon and reply to all the PMs stacking up in my inbox. Thanks.


    Um, depends on how you define "use". Playing with it, is of course encouraged. Play away. Filming it for whatever and posting on YouTube, is fine. That's cool with me. You can use it, experiment with it, play with friends on game night, whatever.

    What I DO NOT allow is ripping it apart and stealing parts for other projects and then uploading as your own. If you change anything, although technically not allowed, just keep it private for your own personal private games or perhaps just your close friends. Do not upload anywhere please.

    If you do change something for "private" use, then please do not film for YouTube. It misrepresents my work. And please always credit the author(s) for things posted for comment/review/ect.

    Example: if you make a few bucks in advertising reviewing games and mods, your're fine. It's protected under Free Speech. Review away. Just don't change anything and give credit to the original author.

    Thank you.

    That answers my question, thanks for clearing that up :)

  2. Hello,


    Reviving an old topic here but I have a question in regards to licensing.


    Our group is interested in using this mod (or the prototype EOD one you have on armaholic) but we're wondering if the licensing would prevent us.


    We have several youtubers in our group that monetize our content, does your "private use only" requirement extend to this?


    In other words, can they still monetize their videos if they feature any part of this mod?



