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About alohaa

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  1. alohaa

    Helicopter camera

    same for me... the new fixed FOV is not as good as dynamic FOV in 1.68. would love to have the complete old felling....:)
  2. alohaa

    Helicopter camera

    thanks for fixing the camera back to the old 1.68 style.....:)
  3. alohaa

    Helicopter camera

    yes... its too quiet, if you ask me.... something went very wrong here.... BI...Will it ever be possible to fly like in 1.68? is there any work going on to fix it a second time.....after the official patch? i hope so....
  4. alohaa

    Helicopter camera

    same for me.... the camera is way better than before with greenfists mod......thank you for your work....:) but it feels not completly right for me. the camera was not the only problem i got with 1.70. if you ask me, they changed the steering aswell.(sensitivity???).....or maybe its just me...... and i got a inputlag......or for me.....it feels like that after 1.70 update an patch..... FOV is another thing. i wish BI would simply revert everything to 1.68 and after that fix everything for jets.
  5. alohaa

    Helicopter camera

    Wtf.......this is pure nonsense...imo.. We have good discussions and ideas on the subject. Surely there is also something offtopic. But we are humans and have a social side. I like to read your comments and sometimes they made day. Dear moderators, please do not forget that we are only staying here because we have invested money and want to help our great experiences in arma continue.
  6. alohaa

    Helicopter camera

    yes sir. and nothing like half the old camera. i want it exactly as it was before 1.70. - no shaking, wobbeling, seasickness or "i do what i want"- camera... - no oversteering in slowflight.. - no inputlag.. i want the " pinpoint accurate maneuvering routines " back...!!
  7. alohaa

    Helicopter camera

    @ComancheBlue rightklick arma3....go to properties.....in the properties choose the Button "Betas" (upper right i think). Go to the Field "Code" and type in " Arma3Legacy168". After that, use the Dropdownmenu above the "Code"- Field and choose Arma 3 1.68 legacy. Hope thats right. Iam at work and cannot check it in Steam.
  8. alohaa

    Helicopter camera

    @ComancheBlue " Its hard to say since there's no way as of now to go back and compare in the actual game. " there is the oportunity to go back to 1.68 legacy directly in steam. but you will only be able to fly in the editor......i think the most servers are on 1.70 now. but if there are servers out with 1.68....you can play there with the old camera-settings.
  9. alohaa

    Helicopter camera

    hello from berlin.....:) my vote goes to Misconduct (what a great pilot, love your vids man) and all the other pilots who want the old 1.68 camera back. i got nearly 2000 hours in arma. most of the time K.O.T.H. in my opinion, its not worth to learn flying with the new camera. i tryed it since the dlc is out. but its crap for me. dont know if someone mentioned it or iam just retarded but if you ask me, there is a unusual inputlag on helis aswell since the dlc. if i move the nose of the chopper in slow-flight-situations, its kinda oversteering (hope the word is right). tryed to compensate it with the sensitivy-settings but then its fucked up for infantry. so please BI, give us an Option to choose between the Camera-Modi. I loved the way the camera works in 1.68 an i hate it now (even after the patch). btw...sorry for bad english....;)