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Everything posted by venilsonribeiro

  1. venilsonribeiro

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Hello BAnga! I'm using the EOS script along with another from SPRespawn. It happens that when the player dies, all the mission within the area is erased and starts again. What I can deactivate in the scripts so that when reliving the mission continue normally?.
  2. how remove nvgoggles all units? I can not through init.sqf.>>[SP/MP]Advanced Fierce Combat System by dragon zen
  3. venilsonribeiro

    [SP/MP]Advanced Fierce Combat System

    Dragon zen how remove nvgoggles all units? I can not through init.sqf
  4. how custom loadout for this group?
  5. how do I get spawn GroupOne_X with a custom loadout?
  6. Opusfmspol> Perfect!I worked very well. After the loop stopped put the script: WaitUntil camCommitted _camera {}; sleep 3; _camera cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]; camdestroy _camera; and intro returned to the player as I wanted. Thank you my friend, now I will be able to use these dynamic intros for various missions. A big hug from Brazil.
  7. It is the intro and the camera focus in each unit , need to intro runs for 60 seconds and back into the game.
  8. venilsonribeiro

    Problem exiting while loop

    my problem exit this loop intro and back game titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",3]; _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]; _camera cameraeffect ["external", "front"]; showCinemaBorder true; while {true} do { _aliveCount = count allUnits; _aliveSelect = _aliveCount - 1; _randomSelect = round random _aliveSelect; _newTarget = allUnits select _randomSelect; _camera camsettarget _newTarget; _randomX = (random 6); _randomY = (random 6); _camera camsetrelpos [_randomX,_randomY,4]; _camera camcommit 0; sleep (3+ (random 6)); };
  9. Friends, How exit this loop... end start the game ? titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",3]; _camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]; _camera cameraeffect ["external", "front"]; showCinemaBorder true; while {true} do { _aliveCount = count allUnits; _aliveSelect = _aliveCount - 1; _randomSelect = round random _aliveSelect; _newTarget = allUnits select _randomSelect; _camera camsettarget _newTarget; _randomX = (random 6); _randomY = (random 6); _camera camsetrelpos [_randomX,_randomY,4]; _camera camcommit 0; sleep (3 + (random 6)); };