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Everything posted by samspint

  1. samspint

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi, firstly i think this is by far the best mission in arma 3. Most missions even dynamic ones, do not give you the feeling of actually soldiering anywhere as near as this, civ interaction ( loving the ace integration ) side missions, and assigning squads to protect towns that have been taken over and cleared, and the medic system, is brilliant. Well done on this!!! my clan would love to edit this and change the base for more space, but are having issues where rebels are spawning near and constantly shooting into the base, is there any way to disable spawning in a certain town? Also, using ace module, we changed ace_explosives to not explode on disarming of IED, but the mission seems to ignore it, all ied's explode even if option set to no, is that module meant to be synced? and if so to what? explosive specialist or engineer? Keep up the fantastic work, i would like to offer my server if you need any testing, we run Hearts and Minds 24/7 anyway! If you need a server for testing etc, msg me on my ts ts3.2ndbattalion.com:10063 Sam.